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乐观帮助我们坚持 落在后面, we watched as Shakleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. 他们前方的危险, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their 命运 and possible delays, at first made us 感到情绪低落和沮丧. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin and some 有活力 的 music to make a man 感到更高兴 again. 现在生活转入了常规. 单单活下去这一件事 took all our time and energy. For example, we had to gather fresh water 通过抓住和融化冰块. If this 坚持 一段时间 its salt disappears and it becomes fresh water 适合饮用的. But melting the ice was a problem. 没有树生长在南极洲 and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. This 发出 oily, black smoke but 有在强风中烧旺的好处. We could also eat the 剩余物 when the fire 熄灭. Food was also a problem as there were no vegetables or fruit to be found. As one of our group, Lionel Greenstreet 提到 in his diary after a few weeks 他对吃饭何其厌烦: “the food now is pretty well all meat. Seal steaks, cooked seal, penguin steaks, cooked penguin, penguin liver.” 作为厨师, 清洗和烹饪这些动物是我的责任, so I was soon being encouraged to 想办法改变食物的花样. It was difficult. We had to 特别挑剔 our personal care because 变化的气温可能会伤害我们. 穿衣服太多而太热差不多同穿的太少太冷一样危险. Becoming too hot led to 出汗 and this could 结冰 very quickly. Another part of the body 需要特别小心的 was the eyes. This ice and snow 反射太阳中的危险光线 so that if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness. Four months of this was 是我们二十二个人在彻骨的寒冷中所能承受的极限. We were lucky that our group worked hard to 展示出一种令人钦佩的精神状态 and 以一种积极和成功的态度克服了无所不在的恐惧. 最重要的是, Shackleton encouraged us to have celebrations: for birthdays, festivals or even just because of a good catch of penguin. This 使我们高兴 and 鼓励了组内的和谐. 当援救确实到来的时候, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not 忍住泪水. We were at last free to go home to a warm bed, good food and care of our family and friends. 乐观和对Shackleton的信任帮助我们坚持顽强的活了下来 and 他给我们的回报则是承诺返回岛上,并且把我们从缓慢而又痛苦的死亡中解救了出来. * *


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