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本科毕业论文 题 目:球墨铸铁等温处理的相变 及机理研究(上贝氏体) 院 (部): 材料科学与工程学院 专 业: 金属材料工程 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2007年6月24日 摘 要·································································II ABSTRACT···························································III 1前 言 1.1 选题背景 1.2 贝氏体球墨铸铁现状 1.3本文研究的目的 2球墨铸铁等温处理相变机理 2.1 贝氏体转变机理 2.2 贝氏体类型 2.3 球墨铸铁等温处理 3实验方案的制定 3.1 实验方案的论证 3.2 实验方案的制定 3.3 结论 4实验过程及相变分析 4.1 实验设备 4.2 实验步骤 4.3 实验数据分析 4.4 实验结论 5 结 论································································33 谢 辞·································································34 参考文献·······························································35 摘 要 本论文研究的目的是在控制水冷-等温的条件下,获得均匀的上贝氏体+奥氏体的球墨铸铁。观察在不同条件下得到的显微组织形态,分析组织形成的原因及转化机理。 实验研究发现:Φ22mm试样采用40℃的水冷却,停留3-5秒、60℃的水停留3-7秒、80℃水停留5-11秒,均能得到均匀上贝氏体+奥氏体组织。根据IT曲线分析:随着淬火时间的增长,可以依次获得屈氏体、屈氏体+上贝氏体+残余奥氏体、上贝氏体+残余奥氏体、上贝氏体+下贝氏体+残余奥氏体、上贝氏体+下贝氏体+马氏体+残余奥氏体。硬度逐渐升高。观察发现,冷却时间短时,碳的扩散能力较强,形成的铁素体板条较宽,而且条间距离也较大;随着冷却时间的延长,碳的扩散能力下降,形成了羽毛状的上贝氏体,由于硅元素的存在,抑制了碳化物的析出,贝氏体之间以奥氏体为主。 水冷-等温;上贝氏体 ;冷却时间;硅 Phase Transformation and Mechanism Study of Isothermal Treatment for the Ductile Cast Iron(Upper Bininte) ABSTRACT The purpose of this research paper is under the condition of water cooling – –isothermal to achieve uniform ductile cast iron of upper baininte and austenite, and overpass observing the microstructure features which gained at different condition to analyze the causes and transforming reaction mechanism of formation organizing. It will be discovered overpass this experiment research that: the uniform organize of upper baininte and austenite of Φ22mm sample can be got by adopting water of 40℃ to cooling down and retaining 3-5 seconds, adopting water of 60℃ to cooling down and retaining 3-7 seconds, adopting water of 80℃ to cooling down and retaining 5-11 seconds separately. Analyzed by IT curves can get: tootsie, tootsie and upper baininte and residual austenite, upper baininte and residual austenite, upper baininte and lower baininte


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