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全自动动平衡校正机设计 摘 要 电机在设计、选材、制造、装配等过程中不可避免的存在各种误差,这些误差会造成电机中转子的质心与旋转中心不一致。这样电机在高速运转时就会产生振动,引起噪声,影响机器运转,减少使用寿命。因此必须对电机中的转子进行动平衡。 本文综合考虑国内外自动化程度不同的各型平衡机优缺点,开发出一种可用于中小型电机转子动平衡的R型铣削校正方式双工位全自动平衡机。系统结构采用模块化设计思想,多线程协调统筹动作,信号动作状态线图进行程序流程及时序分析,具有 结构分立及合并方便,生产节拍精简,运行可靠,高校正精度等特点。 为保证系统平衡精度,本文在多有文献论述的测量系统精度控制的研究基础上,重点对铣削校正系统的精度控制进行目标分析和提出应用方案。 文章首先详细分析各因素对平衡校正精度的相对重要性和控制难度,包括R型铣槽动不平衡量的多因素影响、相位误差因素影响、校正平面位置偏差因素影响等,得出:侧吃刀量分散度和铣刀刀尖过渡刃长度尺寸公差是转子R型铣削校正精度控制的主要因素,并且相位误差及校正平面位置偏差也是重要目标。 关键词 动平衡,全自动平衡机,铣削用量 Automatic dynamic balance correction machine design Author: Li Zheng Tutor: Yun Kang Abstract Because of the inevitable errors in the design, the material selection, the manufacture and the assemble process of the motor; generally, the mass center of the motor rotor will deviate from the rotating center. When the motor operates at a high speed the vibration and the noise will be generated. The vibration is harmful because it will influence the operation and shorten the life of the motor. It is necessary to balance each motor rotor. This thesis comprehensively considered relative merits of diversiform balancing machines of different automatic level at home and abroad, and developed one double working-position type of automated dynamic balancing, which applies to micro-midi electric machine rotor’s R-milling balance correction. To assure system accuracy, the writer focuses on the accuracy analysis of balancing correction system and proposition of resolution methods, founded on the accuracy control of balance measurement system which has been discussed in numerous literatures. Firstly, relative importance and control difficulties of various factors which impact on correction accuracy are analyzed in detail. The work reaches results that depth dispersion of side-cut and chamfered corner length tolerance of milling cutter tool nose are the main factors, as well as phase error and place deviation of correction plane. Keywords: Dynamic Balancing, Automated Balancing Machine, Milling D


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