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— PAGE 24 — 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:基于555多谐振荡器的汽车尾灯控制电路设计 系 部 电子信息工程学院 学科门类 工 学 专 业 电子信息工程 2012年05月17日 2012届本科生毕业论文(设计) PAGE   PAGE I 基于555多谐振荡器的汽车尾灯控制电路设计 摘 要 本次设计的汽车尾灯控制电路是用数字电路实现的。汽车尾灯显示控制电路是汽车尾灯电路的重要组成部分,主要完成控制与驱动功能,具体电路由三进制计数器电路、汽车行驶状态开关模拟电路和汽车行驶状态显示电路三部分组成。 在本次设计中,使用555多谐振荡器来制作电路脉冲产生器,产生时钟脉冲CP。在三进制计数器电路部分用到了数字电路中的触发器、时序逻辑电路的设计和卡诺图的化简,使用到JK触发器芯片74LS76;在汽车行驶状态开关模拟电路部分则用到了组合逻辑电路中译码器及逻辑门电路,使用到3-8译码器芯片74LS138、与门芯片74LS08、与非门芯片74LS00和或门芯片74LS32等;在汽车行驶状态显示电路中用发光二极管模拟显示汽车正常行驶、左转、右转和紧急刹车的四种状态。 关键词:数字电路 555多谐振荡器 三进制计数器 触发器 发光二极管  PAGE IV ABSTRACT The design of the automobile taillights control circuit is realized by digital circuits. Car taillight display and control circuit is an important part of automotive taillight circuits, which mainly to complete the control and driving function, the specific circuit consists of three parts, which are three binary counter circuit, a state vehicle switch analog circuits and automobile driving state display circuit. In this design, I used the 555multivibrator circuit to produce pulse generator, to generate a clock pulse CP. In three binary counter circuit, I used the triggers in digital circuit, sequential logic circuit design and the Kano graph simplification, I also used JK trigger chip 74LS76 in this part; in the vehicle running state switch analog circuit part, decoder and a logic gate circuit in Combinatorial Logical Circuit were used, excluding chips like decoder chip 74LS138, AND GDTE chip 74LS08, NAND GATE chip74LS00, OR GATE chip 74LS32 and so on; in automobile driving state display circuit of light-emitting diodes with simulation shows the normal running of the automobile, turn left, turn right and emergency braking of four states. Keywords: digital circuit 555multivibrator three binary counter trigger diode 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc325318767 一 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc325318768 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc325318768 1.1 课题研究背景及意义  PAGEREF _Toc325318768 \h 1  HYPER


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