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更多相关文档资源请访问/lzj781219 完整CAD设计文件以及仿真建模文件,资料请联要 摘要 环境污染问题是当今世界上最大的社会问题之一,尤其是水资源的过度开发和不合理利用。合理利用水资源是解决这些问题的关键,因此,水处理的发展对我国能否实现可持续的战略目标起着举足轻重的作用。 本设计是吉林省长春地区A市的排水工程。其由两部分组成,即,城市排水管网系统的设计和城市污水处理厂的设计。 排水管网系统共设计了A和B两套方案,经过技术经济比较,选择A方案。 根据城市所处的地理位置和污水厂的规模,并结合考虑需脱氮除磷的要求,城市污水处理厂设计采用A2/O工艺。该工艺污水处理流程为:粗格栅→泵房→细格栅→沉砂池→初沉池→厌氧池→缺氧池→好氧池→二沉池→消毒池→电磁流计量→出水排放。污泥处理流程为:污泥→污泥提升泵房→污泥浓缩池→贮泥池→污泥消化池→污泥脱水间→泥饼外运。通过此工艺的处理,出水水质将达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B标准。 关键词 城市排水管网;城市污水处理厂;A2/O;沉淀池;污泥处理 Abstract The problem of environmental pollution is nowadays one of the greatest social concerns in the world, especially overexploitation and unreasonable use of the water resource. The water resource of rational utilization is the key to solving these problems。So the development of water treatment plays a decisive role to realize our country the sustainable strategic objective. The design is a drainage system in A tomn of Changchun of Jilin Province. It is made up of two parts, namely, the design of the system of urban drainage pipeline networks and design of the urban sewage treatment plant . A and B two sets of schemes that the system of drainage pipeline networks has been designed altogether, and compare through technological economy, choose A scheme. According to tomn’s geographical position and scale of sewage treatment plant, combining with the demand of denitrification and dephosphorization in treatment process, the sewage treatment plant designs and adopts A2/O craft. The sewage disposal procedure is: the medium screen→the pumping station→the fine screen→the grit pool→the preliminary settling tank→the anaerobic pool→the anoxc pool→the oxic pool→the secondary settling tank→the disinfection tank→the electromagnetic flow meter→discharged into the river. The sludge treatment procedure is: sludge→the bumping room→the grawity thickening tank→the sludge storing tank→the sludge digesting pool→the sludge dewatering room. After the treatment of this craft, the disposal water quality will reach


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