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基于PLC自动门控制系统的设计 摘要:可编程序控制器通产简称为PLC,是近年来发展迅速的工业控制装置,已广泛应用于工业企业各个领域。随着人们生活水平的不断提高和科学技术的飞速发展,人们更加注重自动化和人性化的产品。自动门是楼宇设备中的光机电一体化技术产品,它给人以亲切大方的感觉,同时营造出奢华的气氛,其全新的概念,宽敞的开放门面和高格调的设计,堪称建筑物的点睛之笔,由于PLC控制具有较高的可靠性、稳定性、维修方便等优点,因此,自动门的生产商家很多都运用PLC来做门的控制器 本文是关于自动门控制系统的设计,自动门系统主要由可编程控制器(PLC)、感应器件、驱动装置和传动装置组成。为增强自动门运行的可靠性,在此提出了一种以s7—200可编程序控制器(PI C)为核心的自动门控制系统。本文分析了自动门控制系统的设计要求,介绍了自动门的硬件设计,PLC选型,驱动装置选型,感应器件的选型,系统软件设计,PLC梯形图设计,软件设计,程序调试 ,硬件接线等多方面内容。 关键词:可编程控制器; S7-200; 自动门,梯形图,变频控制 Abstract: with the continuous improvement of peoples living standards and the rapid development of science and technology, people pay more attention to the automation and humane products. Automatic door is building equipment of light mechanical and electrical integration technology products, it gives a warm feeling generous, and create a luxurious atmosphere, its new concept, spacious open window and high-style design, called the building the punchline, based on the trend of the times the forefront of building. Because the PLC control has high reliability, stability, convenient repair, therefore, automatic door production businesses are using PLC to do door controller This article is about the design of the control system of automatic door, automatic door system mainly consists of a programmable controller ( PLC ), induction device, the driving device and the transmission device. In order to enhance the operation reliability of automatic door, in this paper, a S7 -200 programmable controller ( PI C ) as the core of the automatic door control system. This paper analyzes the automatic door control system design, introduces the hardware design of automatic door drive device, PLC selection, selection, induction device selection, system software design, PLC ladder diagram design, software design, debugging, hardware connection and other aspects of the content. Key words: programmable controller; S7-200; automatic door, ladder diagram, variable frequency control 目录 摘要--------------------------------------7 1 引言--


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