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Design and Implementation of Commercial Chatting Software for Client Service A Thesis in Computer Science Presented to The Faculty of the College of International Zhejiang University of Technology In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science by Zhu Jiaqi June, 2010 On my honor as a University student, on this assignment I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid as defined by the Honor Guidelines for Papers in ZJUT Courses. ________________________________________________________ Zhu Jiaqi Approved ____________________________________________ (Technical Advisor) Approved ________________________________________________ (IE Advisor) 摘要 IM)可以不用考虑使用者的地点,以及它们之间的距离。作为一种最常用的网络软件,IM被看做是一种时尚的聊天工具,它可以衍生出社会成员之间的新型社交关系。至今,IM是一种在人类历史长河中最具影响的应用之一。如今,商用企业与非盈利组织已经发行了成千上万种IM实时信息交流软件。同时,一种新型的商业模式-电子商务已经被越来越多的人所关注与接受,这种模式是基于高端网络技术的。然而,对于通常的商用实时信息的市场对于竞争者仍然有市场。 本论文研究并实现了一种新型的IM客服软件,通过网络Socket通道,在客户端和服务器端进行高效实时通讯,并从软件工程的设计规范出发,研究客户的需求,设计模块与功能,最终评估了IM的使用效率和可扩展性。 关键词 实时信息交流软件,客服软件, 电子商务 Abstract Instant Messaging (IM) makes communication ignore distance and available between strangers despite of the location. As the most frequently used network software, IM is considered as the signal of modern communication that brings a new relationship in society. Until now, IM is the most impressive change for lives in human history. Nowadays, there is hundreds of IM software published by commercial organizations or non-profitable groups. At the same time, a new business form called E-commerce has been more and more noticeable and promising that based on advanced online technology. However, the market for a regular commercial Instant Messaging still left opportunity for following competitors. This thesis introduces a new IM and evaluates the effectiveness of designed IM. From Software Engineering point of view, the system has been designed and analyzed carefully, and tested in the end. Keywords: instant messaging; chatting software; electronic


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