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摘 要 随着机技术的高速发展,传统的制造业开始了根本性变革,各发达国家投入巨资,对进行开发,提出了全新的模式。在现代制造系统中,是关键技术,它集微、计算机、信息处理、自动检测、自动控制等高新技术于一体,具有高精度、高效率、柔性自动化等特点,对制造业实现柔性自动化、集成化、智能化起着举足轻重的作用。逻辑性和直观性两种不同的基本方式。逻辑性的思维是指根据逻辑规则进行推理的过程;它先将信息化成概念,并用符号表示,然后,根据符号运算按串行模式进行逻辑推理。这一过程可以写成串行的指令,让计算机执行。然而,直观性的思维是将分布式存储的信息综合起来,结果是忽然间产生想法或解决问题的办法。这种思维方式的根本之点在于以下两点:1.信息是通过神经元上的兴奋模式分布在网络上;2.信息处理是通过神经元之间同时相互作用的动态过程来完成的。控制器 Abstract As the machine technology high speed development, the traditional manufacturing sector began a fundamental change, developed countries invested heavily, to control system technology development, put forward a new control pattern. In modern manufacture system, control technology is the key technology, it sets the micro, computer, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control and other high technology in one, with high precision and high efficiency, flexible automation features, for manufacturing the flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play a decisive role. The design is logical and intuitive two different basic mode. Logical thinking is based on logical inference rules of the process; it is first information into concepts, and represented by the symbol, and then, according to the symbolic computation in serial mode logic. This process can be written in serial command, let the computer implementation. However, intuitive thinking is the distributed storage of information are combined, the result is suddenly have ideas or solutions to the problem. This way of thinking is the fundamental reason is that the following two points:1 information by neurons excited mode distribution on the network;2 information processing between neurons through the simultaneous interaction of dynamic process. Key words: The conventional PID control algorithm and theory basis; the digital PID control algorithm; neural network controller 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2 PID神经网络控制的发展史 1 1.3小结 2 第二章 PID神经网络结构及控制器的设计 3 2.1常规PID控制算法和理论基础 3 2.11PID神经网络概述 2.12模拟PID控制系统 4 2.2数字PID控制算法 5 2.3神经网络


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