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毕 业 设 计 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 传动箱箱盖加工工艺规程及夹具设 Design process planning and fixture gear box cover 摘 要? 在生产加工过程中,通过一定的手段使生产对象(原材料,毛坯,零件或总成等)的质和量的状态发生直接变化的过程叫工艺过程,如毛坯制造,机械加工,热处理,装配等都称之为工艺过程。在制定工艺过程中,要确定各工序的安装工位和该工序需要的工步,加工该工序的机车及机床的进给量,切削深度,主轴转速和切削速度,该工序的夹具,刀具及量具,还有走刀次数和走刀长度,工件的定位方案的采用,最后计算该工序的基本时间,辅助时间和工作地服务时间。对应工序的夹具设计,夹具设计所采取的定位方案以及夹紧方案,方案的可行性分析,以及各个零部件的装配图和多视图。 在本次设计过程,首先对看已给的传动箱箱盖,分析它的形位公差以及配合,然后通过查资料确定毛坯的材料、形状、尺寸等。然后经过分析得出各个加工路线的基准,通过工序集中和分散原则拟定出最优的工艺路线。通过每一道工序选出合适的机床和刀具,并确定出每道工序的加工余量等。确定夹具的定位和夹紧方法,选定合适的定位和夹紧装置,并对其进行误差分析和夹紧力计算,最后用CAD做出夹具的装配图和关键的零件图。 关键词:工序?;?工艺分析??;定位方案??;夹具设计; Abstract? In the production process,through some means to make production object(raw materials,semifinished product, parts or assembly,etc.)state of the quality and quantity of the process is called direct change happened process,such as blank manufacturing process,mechanical processing,Heat treatment,assembling and are called the process technology.In making process,make sure the process of installation location and the process need work step,processing this process of locomotive and machine tools,cutting depth,the feed spindle speed and cutting speed,this process of fixture,tools and measuring tools,and go walking knife number and length of the process,Also the positioning scheme adopted.Finally calculated the basic time,Auxiliary time and locate service time.Corresponding process of fixture design,fixture design scheme to the feasibility of the scheme,the position of each component analysis,and the assembly and multiple views. In this design process, first of all look at the gearbox has to cover, analyze its form and position tolerances and fit, and then check the data to determine the rough material, shape, size and so on. Then come the various processing routes through the analysis of the benchmark, through the principle of centralized and decentralized processes to work out the optimum process route. Through eve


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