湘教版北京仁爱英语九年级下学期第五单元Unit 5 Topic 3.doc

湘教版北京仁爱英语九年级下学期第五单元Unit 5 Topic 3.doc

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湘教版北京仁爱英语九年级下学期第五单元Unit 5 Topic 3

Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Master some new words: promise, tower 2. Learn the usage of the correlative conjunction: We can go either to Beihai Park or to Shichahai. 3. Learn about China’s old culture: the Forbidden City, dragon, Huabiao Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机/挂图/一些反映中国文化的图片/电视机/少量CD Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1. (给学生展示毛主席站在天安门城楼上的图片,让学生复习上节课的伟人事迹,以天安门城楼引出新单词grand, roof和the Forbidden city。) T: Please look at the picture. Can you tell us where Chairman Mao was standing? S1, please. S1: He was standing on the Tian’an Men Rostrum. (让学生看图片,问毛主席站在哪,他在干什么?毛主席在天安门城楼宣告中华人民共和国成立。让学生欣赏天安门城楼的雄伟。) T: What was he doing? S2. S2: Sorry. I don’t know. T: He is announcing the foundation of PRC.Since then, he was the first chairman of new China.Look at the tower. How grand it is! Ss: Yes, it is. (板书,跟读。) tower /(((((/ n. grand /((((((/ a. T: And look at the roof, what colour is it? S3. S3: It is yellow. (板书,跟读。) roof /(((((/ n. T: Do you know what the roof was made of? S4. S4: It was made of wood. T: Yes, you’re right. It’s a wooden roof. Look, these are wooden desks. (板书,跟读。) wooden /(((((/ a. T: Now, my class. Have you been to Beijing and did you see the Tian’an Men Rostrum? S5, please. S5: No, I haven’t. T: What a pity! I’ll tell you, the Tian’an Men Rostrum is in front of the Forbidden City. 2. (播放一段故宫的录像,让学生欣赏故宫的雄伟、宏大,为呈现内容作铺垫。) (Play a video about the Forbidden City.) T: Now, watch a CD carefully, please. Pay attention to Tian’anmen Rostrum. After that, I’ll ask you some questions or to say something about it. (播放录像。) (结束后。) T: Well. Aren’t the building grand? Ss: Yes, they are. S6: I hope to visit them some day in the future. T: Sure. Either the Tian’an Men Rostrum or the Forbidden City is worth seeing. (板书,跟读。) T: Kids, Do you know what the tall buildings are in front of Tian’an Men? Ss: They are two stone columns. T: Yes, but they are called Huabiao


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