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Understanding Forest Tenure Reform in China 集体林区林权改革模式经济分析 徐晋涛 北京大学环境学院 2006年21日 Background 研究背景 80年代早期的农村联产承包制的改革,吹响了中国经济体制改革的号角 Agricultural Land Reform (HRS) in early 1980s ignited China’s transition toward a market oriented economy 农业生产力得到了极大提高 Dramatic growth in agricultural productivity 农村改革带来民营经济、私有经济的极大发展 Tremendous contribution from private sector to the whole economy 当前,政府仍然致力于加强农民土地权利的政策方向 Strengthening farmer land rights still main focus of policy trend (ALCL, RRL, etc) Forest Sector in China 中国林业 在林业部门,政府管制程度高于大多数经济部门 Forest sector remains most tightly controlled by government and administration 采伐、运输、林地利用方面的约束性政策还大量存在 Control in logging, shipping, land use, etc. 天然林保护工程 Logging ban 政府主导型林业建设项目 Lots of government programs And….. Forest Tenure in China 林权制度 两种所有制形式 Two ownership types State: 国有 ~42% forest area and 68% volume; Managed by state forest enterprises and farms Collective 集体所有 58% area and 32% volume Growing share of timber production Many management arrangement Collective Forest Tenure 集体林区 村集体是集体林地的法定所有人 Village collectives as legal owners 农户、联户、各种经济组织可以通过承包的形式经营集体所有的森林 Farmer households, a group of farmers, outsiders, all entitled to contract and manage collective owned forestland 林业管理方面的放权让利的改革时有反复 Decentralizaiton of management was slow and not smooth since 1981. 截止到1986年,约70%的集体林地实行了农户承包经 By 1986, around 70% household managed 1987年以后,有所反复 Then setback in 1987~. Household-Contracts in Fujian and Jiangxi, 1986 and 2000 农户承包经营比例 第二次林权改革:更深入的改革 Process of tenure reform 以福建省为发源地 Fujian pilot in 2002 2003 provincial policy Village representative committees decision makers Land contract fee 江西省 Jiangxi Commence in 2004 Village representative committees making decisions No Land contract fee allowed 本研究的目的 Purpose of this study 解释林权改革中新的林权模式产生的的影响因素 对林权改革的绩效进行评价 为决策提供研究支持 Explain the process and outcome of tenure reform Understand determining factors for different types of tenure arrangement Answer the questions of opt


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