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分子生物学Major Shifts in Bcterial Transcription
* * * * * * * * * * * Re: Repressor establishment Rm: repressor maintanance * * * * * * * Five proteins collaborate in antitermination at the l immediate early terminators NusA and S10 bind RNA polymerase N and NusB bind to the box B and box A regions of the nut site N and NusB bind to NusA and S10 probably tethering the transcript to the polymerase NusA stimulates termination at intrinsic terminator by interfering with binding between upstream part of terminator hairpin and core polymerase Proteins Involved in N-Directed Antitermination Protein complexes involved in N-directed antitermination Weak, nonprocessive complex Strong, processive complex ? ? ? In vitro In vitro (in vitro) Model for the Function of NusA and N in Intrinsic Termination Demonstration of protein-RNA contacts in the paused EC, with and without NusA and N Antitermination and Q Antitermination in the l late region requires Q Q binds to the Q-binding region of the qut site as RNA polymerase is stalled just downstream of late promoter Binding of Q to the polymerase appears to alter the enzyme so it can ignore the terminator and transcribe the late genes Map of the PR’ region of the λ genome. The PR’ promoter comprises the –10 and –35 boxes. The qut site overlaps the promoter and includes the Q binding site upstream of the –10 box, the pause signal downstream of the transcription start site, and the pause site at positions +16 and +17. A 27-kD phage protein (l repressor, CI) appears and binds to 2 phage operator regions CI shuts down transcription of all genes except for cI, gene for l repressor itself Lysogen is a bacterium harboring integrated phage DNA This integrated DNA is called a prophage Lysogenic Mode Establishing Lysogeny Phage establish lysogeny by: Causing production of repressor to bind to early operators Preventing further early RNA synthesis Delayed early gene products are used Integration into the host genome Products of cII and cIII allow transcription of the cI gene and produc
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