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第六章 再保险合同 第一节 比例再保险合同的 主要条款内容 第二节 非比例分保合同的 主要条款内容 分保合同主要组成部分 一、合同文本 主要条款 二、分保条 文本的细化和补充 三、附约 对文本的修改、变更或注销 第一节 比例再保险合同的主要内容 一、前言部分 缔约双方的名称(全称、简称)。 见合同样本前言。 合同样本前言 QUOTA SHARE REINSURANCE AGREEMENT made between _____(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) of the one part and ______(hereinafter referred to as the “Reinsurer”) of the other part. IN CONSIDERATION OF the payment of the premium as hereinafter provided it is agreed: 二、承保范围条款 (一)再保险方式(见第1.1节) 成数?溢额?或超赔分保? (二)业务范围(Scope Of Coverage) 1.保障范围(见第1.1节) 指明承保险种和责任。通常仅限于同一保险业 务,即分保合同责任与原保单相同。 2.除外条款(见第1.2节) 业务范围一项,除规定一般承保责任外,还列 明附加险及除外责任等。 ARTICLE Ⅰ:THE BUSINESS COVERED 1.1 The Company agrees to cede and the Reinsurer agrees to accept by way of reinsurance a quota share of______ % (per cent ) of each and every Cargo risk of any description written by the Company in its Marine department in the United Kingdom during the currency of this Agreement, provided that the share so ceded shall not exceed£______ in respect of each and every such risk. 1.2 This Agreement excludes: Loss or liability occasioned by or happening through or in consequence directly or indirectly of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalization or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority. Nevertheless this exclusion shall not apply to business permitted under the terms of the War and Civil War Exclusion Agreement 1937, and any amendments thereto. Provided that if the risks of War are insured in conjunction with Marine risks such risks shall not be covered on terms wider than those of the current clauses of the Institute of London Underwriters nor at gross rates below those of the compulsory schedule of min


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