2012届高三英语语法复习(新人教版)第8讲 动词时态与语态PPT课件.ppt

2012届高三英语语法复习(新人教版)第8讲 动词时态与语态PPT课件.ppt

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2012届高三英语语法复习(新人教版)第8讲 动词时态与语态PPT课件

第8讲 动词时态与语态(下);; 2. By February next year the foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. ; 将来完成时主要表示到将来某一时间为止将要完成的动作,或表示到将来某一时间为止动作(须为延续性动作)或状态已经持续一段时间,还可能继续下去。主要时间状语有by+将来点时间。;; 2. By this time next month, the new comer will have been working for 2 months and he will become a regular worker in our company. ; 3. She and I were to meet at an agreed place. 4. Mrs. Brown was about to begin, but Jennie spoke first. ; 过去将来时表示相对过去某时间而言将要发生的事情,多用在宾语从句中。表达形式多样:主语+would/should+动词;主语+was/were going to +动词;主语+was/were to+动词;主语+was/were about+动词。;; 2. My son was born in 1998 and I would be working in another city far away from home the next year and I had to employ a babysitter to take care of my son and my wife as well.; 过去将来进行时指相对过去时间而言的未来时间正在发生的动作。 ;; 2. When we started to work, we hoped we would have finished the task by the end of that year.; 过去将来完成时表示到相对过去某一特定时间而言的未来时间为止状态或动作已经持续一段时间或动作已经完成。该时态多用于宾语从句,常用时间状语为by+点时间。;; 2. The model worker said he would have been working in the factory for 40 years by the time he retired.; 过去将来完成进行时表示到过去的将来时间为止,动作一直持续一段时间,可能继续下去或宣告终止。注意其中动词必须为延续性动作。该时态更多用于间接引语。常用时间状语为by+点时间。;; 2. (1) I put the book in the drawer. (2) I have put the book in the drawer. ; 一般过去时与现在完成时的动作均发生在过去。现在完成时强调的是该动作或状态带来的结果对现在的影响,而一般过去时强调的是过去发生了某一动作或有某种状态这样一个事实,其结果不影响到现在。在使用时间状语方面,有具体过去时间,则用一般过去时,短暂性动作不能用于含有一段时间的完成时。 ;; 2. (1) We had completed the library by the end of last year. (2) We had been out of touch with each other for 20 years by the day we met again. ; 现在完成时和过去完成时均表示到某一时间为止动作已经完成或状态已经持续一段时间,不同的是现在完成时表示到现在为止,可以没有时间状语,而过去完成时一定要有明显的过去参照时间。;; 2. (1)The Mikes have lived here for three decades. (2)The Mikes have been living here for three decades.; 3. (1)We have finished our performance. (2)We have been doing our performance.; 现在完成时和现在完成进行时有共同词素: 现在;完成。换言之,均表示到现在为止的动作或状态。用于现在完成时的动词可以是短暂性动作(只是不接一段时间


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