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陳達的歌,在音樂和文學上的意義和價值 簡上仁* 摘 要 陳達是台灣民族音樂史上,一位傑出的民歌瑰寶。年輕時,棄農好歌,被視為不務正業。二十九歲,因重病而行動不便,但他仍以堅強毅力和熱情,步履蹣跚,行遍恆春各地,為村民歌唱。在當時,雖然嬴得喝釆和感動,但依然只是一般人眼中的「賣藝乞丐」。1967年,被音樂家許常惠和史惟亮發掘並公諸於世之後,才引起外界注目。1970年代,因台灣鄉土意識的興起,他才被藝文界所推崇,成為象徵台灣鄉土音樂的代表人物。 陳達的奮鬥史固然吸引人,但更能奠立陳達在台灣音樂史上地位的,是他獨特的唱腔、承繼傳統又具原創精神的恆春民歌,以及他以當地人事物為素材的即興詩篇。這些在民族音樂和民間文學上都有不凡的成就。這篇文章,以筆者與陳達相處時所採錄的資料為基礎,以民族音樂學上「雙重音樂能力(bimusicality)‘ 關鍵字:陳達、台灣民謠、恆春民歌,民族音樂學、台灣民間文學 Chen Da’s Songs as well as The Meanings and Values of His Songs on Music and Literature Chien, Shang-Jen Abstract Chen Da is a rare folksong gem in the history of Taiwanese folk music. In his youth, he forewent farming and indulged in folksongs, consequently, was considered as an irresponsible person who neglected his duties. At twenty-nine years of age, although having been crippled by serious illness, by his resolute willpower and ardour, he still limped all over Hingchun area to sing folksongs for villagers. Nevertheless, at that time, while having received considerable acclaim from his audience and deeply touched them, he was only a “beggar living on performance” in the eyes of ordinary people. It was only until 1967 when two musicians, Xu Changhui and Shi Weiliang, discovered him, did he draw the attention of the world outside of Hingcun. And only due to the rising consciousness on native land in the 1970s, was he esteemed as the representative of Taiwanese native music by the literary circle. Chen Da’s struggle is no doubt fascinating; however, it is his unique style of singing, his Hingchun folksongs which contain both traditional and original spirit, and his impromptu poetry about local people and things that established his status in the history of Taiwanese music. All his works have reached brilliant achievement in both folk music and folk literature. This thesis, based on the data collected in my association with Chen Da, thoroughly explores his songs as well as the meanings and values of his songs on music and literature by means of the concept of “bimusica


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