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小学五年级上册(PEP英语)Unit 4 第六课时ppt演示课件
根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 Lesson 6 唱唱做做 比一比 考一考 小组活动 试一试 练一练 小结 读读写写 英语日记 读读说说 Let’s sing I can help Read and write Do the dishes. Make the bed. Ha, I’m the first! Let’s check I can cook the meals. I can’t cook the meals. Can you? Who can? Sorry, I can’t. I can I can’t Who can? Hello, I’m Fang Ping. In my class, boys can play football. Girls can play table tennis. Lin Ying can play the piano and Liu Tong can play the guitar. Wang Xin can ride a bike. Li Ming can fly a kite. I can draw pictures. What can you do? 1st monk: Can you cook the meals? 2nd monk: Yes, I can. 1st monk: Can you ________________? 2nd monk: Yes, I can. 1st monk: Can you do the dishes? 2nd monk: Yes, I can. 1st monk: ________________? 2nd monk: ________________. 1st monk: Good! Listen and write Here comes another monk. The 2nd monk cooks. They share the food. 3 4 Bird: Can you _________________? 1st monk: Yes, I can. Bird: Can you wash the clothes? 1stmonk: Yes, I can. Bird: Can you _________________? 1stmonk: Yes, I can. Bird: Can you make the bed? 1stmonk: Yes, I can. Bird: Good! Listen and write A bird sees a monk. The monk cooks. He eats a lot. 1 2 Listen and write 1st monk: Can you cook the meals? 3rd monk: Yes, I can. 2nd monk: Can you wash the clothes? 3rd monk: Yes, I can. 1st monk: Can you do the dishes? 3rd monk: Yes, I can. 2nd monk: Can you make the bed? 3rd monk: Yes, I can. 1st 2nd monks: Good! Here comes the third monk. The 3rd monk cooks. They share the food. Each one gets little. 5 6 Listen and number I’m hungry! What can you do? I don’t think you can. See you! I can sing. Listen to the story again and tick or cross The mouse can sing. ( ) The mouse doesn’t know the eagle can fly. ( ) The mouse runs away. ( ) The mouse is smart(聪明的). ( ) √ × √ √ Read and write 小 结 Can
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