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迷走神经(Vagus Nerve) Figure 17. Coronal oblique 0.8-mm-thick SSFP MR image through the cerebellopontine angle shows the glossopharyngeal nerve (arrow) just beneath the flocculus (f) of the cerebellum. The two roots of the vagus nerve (arrowheads) are visible in the same plane, and the superior and inferior vestibular nerves can be seen above the focculus. 迷走神经(Vagus Nerve) Figure 18. Axial oblique 0.8-mm-thick SSFP MR image shows the vagus nerve (arrow) where it crosses the lateral cerebellomedullary cistern (LCM)小脑延髓池 and approaches the jugular foramen(颈静脉孔). The vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves, which are diffcult to distinguish in this plane, are clearly distinguishable in the coronal oblique plane (see Fig 17). 11.副神经( Accessory Nerve) 副神经是由脑根和脊髓根组成。脑根在迷走神经的下方进入小脑延髓池的外侧(Fig 19)。脊髓根起始于脊髓的上颈段(Fig 20)。 离开脊髓后,脊髓根在椎管内上行,穿过枕骨大孔进入小脑延髓池,走行于椎动脉的后方,并在小脑延髓池的外侧与脑根汇合。之后在舌咽神经和迷走神经的后方经颈静脉孔出颅。 副神经( Accessory Nerve) Figure 19. Axial 0.8 mm-thick SSFP MR image at the level of the cervicomedullary junction (CMJ) shows the cranial rootlets脑根 (arrowheads) of the accessory nerve. 副神经( Accessory Nerve) Figure 20. Coronal oblique 0.8-mm-thick SSFP MR image shows the spinal rootlets (arrows) of the accessory nerve arising from the upper spinal cord to cross the foramen magnum (枕骨大孔)and join the cranial rootlets. 12.舌下神经(Hypoglossal Nerve) 舌下神经起始于第四脑室前方延髓内的舌下神经核,是以若干神经根丝形式自延髓的前外侧沟发出的,后延伸到小脑延髓池的侧面(Fig 21)。 汇合的神经根穿过小脑延髓池,此段舌下神经被前方的椎动脉和后方的小脑后下动脉包绕(Fig 22)。 舌下神经通过舌下神经管出颅,且在轴平面上是倾斜走行的,与冠状面和矢状面之间呈45度的夹角。出颅后,舌下神经走行于舌咽神经、迷走神经和副神经之间,并深入二腹肌,环绕舌骨,支配舌的大部分。 舌下神经(Hypoglossal Nerve) Figure 21. Coronal oblique 0.8-mm-thick SSFP MR image shows multiple hypoglossal nerve roots (arrows) converging toward the hypoglossal foramen 舌下神经孔(arrowhead). The nerve roots are immediately posterior to the vertebral artery椎动脉 (V). 舌下神经(Hypoglossal Nerve) Figure 22. Axial 0.8-mm-thick SSFP MR image shows the oblique course of the hypoglossal nerve (black arrowhead) as it crosses the lateral cerebellomedullary cist


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