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3. 八佾   『3-1』孔子謂季氏, 「八佾舞於庭, 是可忍也, 孰不可忍也 」   [3:1] Confucius, speaking about the head of the Chi family said, He has eight rows of dancers in his court. If he does this, what will he not do?   [Comment] In this passage and the following one, Confucius is complaining about a lower-level aristocrat using ceremonies that were officially prescribed for much higher-level nobility. Eight rows of dancers, was the amount allowable to only the most elite of the nobility. The head of the Chi family is often criticized in the Analects for similar improprieties.   『3-2』三家者以雍徹。子曰:「相維辟公, 天子穆穆」, 奚取於三家之堂 」   [3:2] The Three Families used the Yung Songs at the clearing of the sacrificial vessels. Confucius said,   Attended on by Lords and Princes:   How magnificent is the Son of Heaven!   How could these words be used in the halls of the Three Families?   『3-3』子曰:「人而不仁, 如禮何。人而不仁, 如樂何 」   [3:3] Confucius said: If a man has no humaneness what can his propriety be like? If a man has no humaneness what can his music be like?   [Comment] Since humaneness is the essence of all positive human attributes, without it, how can they truly operate?   『3-4』林放問禮之本。子曰:「大哉問禮, 與齊奢也, 寧儉; 喪, 與其易也, 寧戚。」   [3:4] Lin Fang asked about the fundamentals of ritual. Confucius said, What an excellent question! In ritual, it is better to be frugal than extravagant; in funerals deep sorrow is better than ease.   『3-5』子曰:「夷狄之有君, 不如諸夏之亡也。」   [3:5] Confucius said: The tribes of the East and North (Koreans and Mongolians), though having kings, are not equal to our people, even when lacking kings,   [Comment] Either Confucius is an outright ethnic chauvinist, or he is pointing to a real difference in the relative level of cultural development at that time between the central Chinese kingdoms and the peoples of the outlying regions.   『3-6』季氏旅於泰山。子謂冉有曰:「女弗能救與 」對 曰:「不能。」子曰:「嗚呼 曾謂泰山不如林放乎 」   [3:6] The Ji family went to make a sacrifice at Mt. Tai. The master said to Ranyu: Cant you save them from this? Yu resp



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