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半主动悬架的模糊控制及其设计 摘 要 悬架是汽车的重要组成部分,它的性能影响着汽车行驶的舒适性与操纵稳定性。传统的被动悬架具有很大的局限性,而半主动悬架可以根据路面激励进行适时调整,使汽车性能达到最佳。所以本文选择半主动悬架为研究对象,分析了它的性能,做出相应的改进设计。 MATLAB/Simulink和AMESim对被动悬架和半主动悬架系统进行了联合仿真,并比较了轮胎动载荷、车身加速度、悬架动挠度,得出半主动悬架无论在操纵稳定性还是乘坐舒适性都具有更好的性能。最后,本文设计了一个不等长双横臂半主动悬架,通过UG建立了不等长双横臂悬架的三维模型。 关键词 半主动悬架;模糊控制;联合仿真 THE FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL AND DESIGN OF SEMI-ACTIVE SUSPENSION Abstract Suspension is an important part of the vehicle, for its quality will influence the ride quality and road handling. The traditional passive suspension has great limitation while the semi-active suspension optimizes the vehicle’s performance by adjusting itself according the road surface. Thus, semi-active suspension is chosen as the object of research. This paper analyzes the performance of the semi-active suspension and then designs an improved suspension. First of all, this paper chooses the quarter vehicle to do the analysis, sets up dynamic semi-active suspension model with the two degree of freedom, summarizes the performance evaluation indicators of suspension and takes the filtered white noise as random road input signal. Then, this paper gives a brief introduction on the fuzzy logic control theory and designs a fuzzy logic controller with two inputs and one output. Next to that, the suspension system is simulated based on the joint simulation of MATLAB/Simulink and AMESim. By comparing the dynamic load of tire, acceleration of the body and dynamic deflection, it suggests that the semi-active suspension has a good quality both on the ride comfort and road handling. Finally,this paper designs a long and a short arm semi-active suspension. Out of the designing of the adjustable shock absorber, the suspension can make a shift between two situations. In addition, this paper constructs the three-dimensional long and short arm suspension based on UG. Keywords Semi-active Suspension, Fuzzy Logic Control, Joint Simulation 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 国内外悬架系统的发展现状 2


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