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自动控制原理课程设计报告 位置随动系统的分析与设计 姓 名 专 业 自动化 学 号 指导教师 2011.12.25 摘要 本文对给定的某直流位置随动位置随动控制系统的方案图进行运算与设计,得出了系统在阶越信号和斜坡信号作用下的动态性能指标与稳态误差,并在频域内分析了系统的幅值裕度和相位裕度。用MATLAB软件对与系统稳定性有关的Nyquist图和Bode图进行了辅助分析,进而对系统串联校正,使之达到了规定的技术指标。最后为系统设计出了相应的模拟电路,并借助THBCC-2 软件作了验证。 一般来说,随动控制系统要求有好的跟随性能。位置随动系统是非常典型的随动系统,是个位置闭环反馈系统,系统中具有位置给定,位置检测和位置反馈环节,这种系统的各种参数都是连续变化的模拟量,其位置检测可用电位器,自整角机,旋转变压器,感应同步器等。位置随动系统中的给只给定量是经常变动的,是一个随即量,并要求输出量准确跟随给定量的变化,输出响应具有快速性,灵活性和准确性。为了保证系统的稳定性,并具有良好的动态性能,必须设有校正装置,如在正向通道中设置串联校正装并联校正装置等,为了提高位置随动系统的控制精度,还需要增加系统的开环放大倍数或在系统中增加积分环节等。 关键词:时域分析,频域分析,串联校正,模拟电路。 Abstract The chapter calculated and designed a preset square frame’s diagram, for which control system of some direct-current’s follow-up position is, we got system’s norm of dynamic function and steady state error, and analyzed it’s steady margin and phase angle margin in frequency domain. With a aid of MATLAB we calculated it’s Nyquist diagram and Bode diagram, which is helpful to analyze system’s stability function, then after designing a series correction for system, made it get the expect technological norm, At last we designed the analog circuit for the system and checked it with a aid of THBCC-2software. Generally speaking, the servo control system has good performance with requirements. Position servo system is very typical of the servo system, a position close-loop feedback system, system has given the position detection and location, the system of feedback various parameters are continuous change its position detection analog, usable potentiometer, resolvers, inductosyn.etc, The position servo system is often only to quantitative change, is a random output, and requirements for quantitative change with accurate and output response speed and flexibility and accuracy. In order to ensure the stability of the system, and has good dynamic performance, must have correction device, such as in the positive channel


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