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Lecture 5 The New Contestant 《新约》简介 一般认为基督教(Christianity)产生于公元6年到70年。当时犹太人(Jews)丧失了民族独立,国家被罗马人控制,名存实亡;人民生活在水深火热之中,多次起义都被镇压。他们急切盼望改善自己的悲惨处境,于是民间流传着“救世主”(Saver)已经来临的说法。 《新约》简介 基督教形成以后,继承并发扬了犹太教的“立约”之说,认为救世主耶稣将是象征上帝与人重立“新约”。 《旧约》有39卷,929章。《新约》只有27卷,260章。其中《福音书》(Gospels)4卷(Matthew马太, Mark马可, Luke路加, John)、《使徒书信》(Letters)21卷、《使徒行传》(The Acts of the Apostle)和《启示录》(Revelation)各一卷。 希律王(King Herod) 公元前41年,在一次犹太人暴动中,希律(Herod)接罗马军团的力量当上了犹太人的国王,他曾试图杀死幼年的耶稣,导致约瑟一家远走埃及;施洗约翰(John the Baptist)最终死在他的手里;后来,耶稣的使徒保罗等人也深受希律(Herod)迫害 十二门徒和十二使徒(Twelve disciples and twelve apostles) 《新约。马太福音》第9章:Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. As you go proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out the demons. See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Not an iota of没有一点点,丝毫也不 iota是希腊字母表中第9个字母“I”的名称。not an iota of 出自《新约。马太福音》第5章:“律法的一点一画都不能废去,都要成全。”(…until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter /one iota, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.) 因为iota是希腊字母表中最小的一个字母,它有时可以写作一短横置于其他字母之上;遗漏这一点点对发音并无什么影响,只按规则不能减少而已。 Not an iota of 《福音书》所说的律法,系指“摩西律”,意即无论何人都不允许随便废去这戒律哪怕是最小的一条,甚至其中的一个字母,一个小小短横也不得更动或遗漏。 由此,在语言中遗留下来这个成语,转义表示not a bit of ;not one jot or little; not at all等意思。iota在这里,相当于汉语“小不点儿”的意思。 There is not an iota of truth in the story. Cast pearls before swine对牛弹琴;白费好意 To Cast pearls before swine的意思是“珍珠投在猪猡前面”。 swine是个旧词,书面词,即今为pigs,不过swine单复同行,本句为复数。 这个成语源自《新约。马太福音》第7章:“Give not that which is holy to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet,…”.由于to cast pearls before swine,比喻确切,在后世不断引用中而成为一个国际性成语,常用来表示to offer sth valuable or beautiful to those who cant appreciate it; to give what is precious to those who are unable to understand its value等意思,相当于“对牛弹琴”,“向驴说