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毕 业 设 计 论 文
题 目:可编程交通控制系统设计与实现
英文题目:Development and Realization on Programmable Traffic Control System
班 级:
专 业:自动化
随着现代社会对交通运输的日趋依赖,交通系统的控制越来越受到普遍的重视。而利用现阶段发展迅速的单片机技术开发的可编程交通控制系统,可以大幅度提高交通网络的通行效率,是解决交通拥挤问题经济且有效的方法。在交叉路口的交通信号控制中,如何科学有效的根据对交叉路口的交通流特征,设计出较为合理的交通 信号控制方案以提高交叉路口的控制效率,已成为当前城市交通控制系统的研究问题之一。
It becomes more and more important that how to control transport system with modernization society developing. Programmable traffic control system can improve traffic efficiency greatly as it use techniques of SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer) that it is developing rapidly at present. Traffic jam can be solved with it very efficient and economical. In traffic sign control of the crossroad, it is a researchful problem in urban traffic control system that how to design reasonable scheme of traffic sign control to improve control efficiency according to traffic character of the crossroad.
The article, in describing the foundation of the traffic lights function, completed a programmable traffic control system electric circuit, which based on SCM. This system is made up of single chip microcomputer, keyboard, LCD displaying module and traffic lights system. The system includes pavement, left turning, right turning, and the basic traffic lights function. Excepting the basic traffic lights function, it also includes counting, time installing, emergency disposaling, LCD information displaying, adjusting the lighting time of lights based on different time and controlling with hand in accordance with circumstances and so on. Through analyzing the specific function of the system, the design put forward the control system frame and the concrete design technique projects at first. Then elaborated the total realization of the control system from the hardware electric circuit.
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