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Introduction of the nervous system 神经系统总论 郑州大学医学院解剖教研室 Functions 控制和调节其它系统的活动,使人体成为一个有机的整体。 维持机体与外环境间的统一。 不仅能适应环境,还能主观改造世界。 Divisions Central nervous system (CNS) 1. Brain (脑) 2. Spinal cord (脊髓) Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Cranial n. (脑神经 12 pairs) Spinal n. (脊神经 31 pairs) Somatic n. (躯体神经) Visceral n. (内脏神经) 构造 神经组织 神经元 神经胶 胶质细胞比神经元多数十倍,具有支持保护营养绝缘和屏障等功能 少突胶质细胞-中枢 星形胶质细胞 类型 施万细胞 -周围 小胶质(巨噬)细胞 室管膜细胞 Neuron 胞体:3~135um 突起:①树突:多个 ②轴突:1um~1m,φ.2-20um 髓鞘Schwan C Silver Stain Nissl Stain 按形态分类 双极神经元 假单极神经元 极神经元 按功能分类 感觉神经元 运动神经元 联络神经元 按递质分类 胆碱能神经元 单胺能神经元 氨基酸、肽能神经元 Classification Reflex Arc 机体接受内外界环境的刺激 作出的应答性反应 常用术语 网状结构 脊神经节 神经 Spinal nerve general intyoduction 脊神经总论 郑州大学医学院解剖教研室 General description Functional components 1. Somatic efferent nerve fibers 躯体传出纤维(SE): fibers that transmit motor impulses from spinal cord to skeletal muscles. 2. Visceral efferent nerve fibers内脏传出纤维(VE): fibers that transmit motor impulses from spinal cord to smooth muscles, cardiac muscle and glands. 3. Somatic afferent nerve fibers躯体传入纤维(SA): fibers that transmit exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from body to spinal cord 4. Visceral afferent nerve fibers内脏传入纤维(VA): fibers that transmit interoceptive impulses from the viscera to spinal cord Branches of spinal nerves The Spinal Nerves 郑州大学医学院解剖教研室 一、Cervical plexus 颈丛 Formation: anterior rami of C1-C4 spinal nerves Position: lies in front of the origin of levator scapulae and scalenus medius and deep to the superior part of the sternocleidomastoid 分支: 1、皮支 2、肌支 Cutaneous branches Emerge around middle of posterior border of sternocleidomastoid, to supply skin of neck and scalp 枕小神经 耳大神经 颈横神经 锁骨上神经 Muscular branches supply the deep muscles of neck Phrenic nerve anterior rami of C3-C5 to diaphragm (motor and sensory) Descends over scalenus anterior to enter thorax Sensor


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