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目 录 1 前言 1 2 材料和仪器 3 2.1 样品 3 2.2 试剂 3 2.3 仪器 4 3 实验方法和结果 4 3.1 白扁豆化学成分系统鉴定 4 3.2 方法学考察 7 3.3 提取方法 8 3.4 白扁豆多糖初步纯化方法 10 4 结果与讨论 11 4.1 化学成分系统鉴定结果 11 4.2 方法学考察 13 4.3 提取方法结果 15 4.4 响应面试验结果 18 4.5 白扁豆多糖成分的初步纯化结果 21 4.6 讨论 24 参考文献 25 综 述 26 参考文献 31 致谢 32 响应面分析法优选白扁豆多糖提取工艺 摘要:目的 考察提取法提取中总的最佳提取工艺,为生产提供依据。方法 本实验以含量,以中总的提取得率作为评价标准,通过单因素及试验考察不同处理条件对总得率的影响,优选出总的最佳提取工艺。结果 各因素对总提取得率的影响由大到小依次为:温度料液比时间,总最佳提取工艺为:以倍量,在0℃下提取10min。结论 。总;提取工艺;单因素实验;White Hyacinth Bean polysaccnanides extracting by Response surface method Abstract: [Objective] The research aimed to investigate the ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polysaccharides and provide the basis for the production. [Methods] In this experiment, water extraction and alcohol precipitation method were used to extract polysaccharide,and UV spectrophotometry was used to measure the polysaccharide content of White Hyacinth Bean, Extraction yield of polysaccharides as the evaluation criteria, the Box-Behnken design combined with the response surface methology criteria,the Box-Behnken design combined with the response sufcae methology was used to optimize different treatment conditiongs of polysaccharides from White Hyacinth Bean. [Results] The results indicates that various factors influence extraction yield of polysaccharides was: temperatureliquid ratioTime. White Hyacinth Bean the best extraction of White Hyacinth Bean polysaccharides solid to liquid ratio 1:70, 70℃,extracting 100 min.[Conclusion] Ultrasonic-assistead extraction of White Hyacinth Bean polysaccharides is easy needs simple instrumentation, the regression model would be a fairly reliable forecust for extraction of white Hyacinth Bean polgsaccharide. Keywords: White Hyacinth Bean polysaccharide; extraction technology; single factor; response surface experiment;ultrasonic-assisted extraction.朗读 [1],为药食兼优之物,营养丰富,含有脂肪油、蛋白质、尼克酸、氨基酸、维生素及糖类等成分,还含有微量元素及钙、磷、铁等, 另含有磷脂类成分[2],以种子、种皮(扁豆衣)、花(扁豆花)供药用或食用。种子、种皮,具有和胃化湿,健脾利水,清暑止泻等功能,主治脾虚腹泻、恶心呕吐、食欲不振、赤白带下等症;扁豆花具有解暑、化湿、止泻、止带等功能,主治中暑发


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