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中文摘要 电力系统专业的毕业设计是一次比较综合的训练,它是我们将在校期间所学的专业知识进行理论与实践的结合,运用理论知识和专业技能进行工程设计和科学研究,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。在完成此设计过程中,我们学习了很多电力工程设计、技术问题研究的程序和方法,在搜集资料、查阅文献、调查研究、方案比较、设计制图等多方面都得到了很大的提高,并进一步学习了很多新的知识和技能。本毕业设计的题目是浑河220KV一次降压变电所电气部分初步设计,为了保证供电的可靠性、安全性以及满足远期负荷需要的要求,按照远期负荷规划进行初步设计,达到能够保证变电所长期可靠供电的目的。 根据毕业设计任务书的要求,综合所学专业知识及《变电所设计》等书籍的有关内容,设计过程中完成了主变选择、电气主接线的拟定、短路计算、电气设备选择、配电装置的规划、继电保护和自动装置的规划以及防雷保护的规划等主要工作。近年来,电力在世界各国能源和经济发展中的作用日益增长,它已成为现代社会实用最广、需要最快的能源。变电所的合理设计与建设是一个极其重要的组成部分。整个设计过程中,全面细致的考虑工程设计的可靠性、经济性、灵活性等诸多因素,最终完成本设计方案。通过完成此毕业设计论文,进一步领会我国电力工业建设的政策观念和经济观点,培养对工程技术、经济进行较全面的综合分析能力。 由于时间紧张和能力有限,此论文中难免会出现遗漏和错误,希望老师给予指点和更正。 关键词:变电所 短路电流 电气设备 Abstract The professional graduate in system in electric power design is once more synthesize of training, it is we will during the period of school a profession for learning knowledge proceed theories and practice very good combination, make use of the theories knowledge proceeds with a profession for learning technical ability engineering design with science study. In complete this design process, we can study the electric power engineering the design, investigative procedure in problem in technique with method, be collected information, checked the cultural heritage, investigate the research, project comparison and design the various training in etc.This graduate design thesis is a 220/60 KVs a declining to press to change to give or get an electric shock an electricity parts of first steps design.For the sake of dependable that guarantee the power supply with a request that contented long-term burthen, carries according to the forward the programming proceeding design developments, from but guarantee to change to give or get an electric shock can long-term dependable power supply. Design the request of the mission book according to the graduate, synthesize a programming for learning profession knowledge and 《 s changing giving or get an electric shock the 》 designed waiting dogs- ear relevantly contents, designing in the process completing lord chan


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