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新标准英语第十二册Module 8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat?教学设计 行知小学 高辉 一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:识别单词raincoat学习并能口头运用语句Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain.来询问和回答有关原因的语句并能将这两句话合并成一句话。。 能力目标:学会如何询问原因(why )及怎样回答(because);能用whybecause, and, but, so这样词来说句子或讲一小段故事。。 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学到知识。 教学重点:用“Why, 的问答 三、教学难点:让学生在掌握本课内容的同时,进行大胆的情景描述和表达。 教学过程 Step1:Warming up/Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Ss: Good morning, teacher. Nice to meet you, too! T: Today I’ll divide the class into two groups, at the ending of the class, let’s see which group’s flag can get to the top. Try your best, please. Ss: OK. Step2: Lead-in: T: Oh, good boy\girl. Now let’s see who has magic eyes?幻灯片出示服装、天气图片,让学生说出单词。继而再让学生充当天气预报员,复习预报天气的句子。 T: Do you like sunny day? Why? S1: Yes, I do. Because I can go to the park. T: What’s your favourite colour/ food….? Why? Ss: (Free talk) Because…… (教师通过问问题,引导学生用because回答,并板书。) Step3: Presentation: T: Now please open your books, turn to page47. Look at the pictures, and try to describe the pictures. (请学生看SB第二单元活动2中的图,请学生试着来描述图中的情景。’s try to answer the questions. Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? Why is Lingling wearing a hat? Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? Why is Amy wearing a dress? T: Now listen to the tape carefully. (让学生第一次听录音,看看别人是怎么样描述书上图片的。Play the tape again and have the students to imitate. The teacher read the original text slowly. Have the students to understand the text well. (听录音,并让学生跟读。) Listen to the tape for the third time and let the students try to retell the passage. Step4: Practice: Play a game. T: I’m eating a hamburger because I’m thirsty.首先师将两句话合并成一句话,然后学生看课件中出示的例句: I’m wearing a raincoat because ’m going to play basketball. I’m wearing a dress because I’m going to swim. Make the silly sentences.把学生分成两组,写句子。 A: I’m wearing…/I like…/ … B: Because… 教师随便叫起小组学生,让他们读出自己所写的句子,因为是随机,则有可能原因和结果前言不搭后语,进而让学生改正这些句子。 出示有错的例句,并仿照例句是如何改正的来完成剩下的几句话。例: (1) I’m wearing a dress because I’m going to play basketball. (


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