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硕士学位论文 双信道AODV路由协议的实现 姓名 学号 学院 学位类型 (学术型 □专业学位 学习形式 (全日制 □非全日制 学科/领域 信息与通信工程 研究方向 嵌入式系统与片上系统设计 导师 校内 校外 双信道AODV路由协议的实现 摘 要 Ad Hoc网络是一种不需要依赖已有基础设施便可实现网络内任意节点间通信的临时自治系统 The implementation of dual-channel AODV routing protocol Li Chaofan (Information and Communication Engineering) Directed by Zheng Yuzheng Abstract Ad Hoc network, was a kind of temporary autonomous communication system which did not rely on any existing infrastructure and any mobile node in it could communicate with each other, had been very widely used in military and civilian fields, and would attract more and more people’s attention. AODV routing protocol, was a kind of source initiated on demand routing protocol in Ad Hoc network. This topic was about to solve a particular firemen safety problem. In this paper: The research background and research content were introduced, the overall arrangements of the whole paper were introduced; The background of Ad Hoc network was introduced, The two types of Ad Hoc network routing protocol were introduced; The fundamental of AODV routing protocol was introduced, and the performance of AODV routing protocol was tested and analyzed; The basic idea of modification of dual-channel AODV routing protocol was introduced, the modification of NS2 simulation software and AODV routing protocol were introduced, and three methods to achieve dual-channel AODV routing protocol were proposed, and the performance of the three dual-channel AODV routing protocols were tested and analyzed. At last, we summarized the whole work, and give some suggestions to future work. Key words: Ad Hoc network; dual-channel; AODV routing protocol 目 录 论文总页数:53页 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景与研究内容 1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究内容 1 1.2论文安排 2 第二章 Ad Hoc网络 4 2.1 无线通信 4 2.1.1 有基础设施网 4 2.1.2 Ad Hoc网络 5 2.2 无线局域网 8 2.2.1 无线局域网的特点 9 2.2.2 无线局域网的标准 9 第三章 AODV路由协议与性能分析 10 3.1 AODV路由协议 10 3.1.1 AODV路由协议的工作原理 10 3.1.2 控制分组的结构 13 3.2模拟与性能分析 16 3.2.1 NS2模拟软件 16 3.2.2 AODV路由协议的模拟 19 第四章 双信道AODV路由协议的实现与性能分


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