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摘 要 本工程为框架住宅楼,位于大庆市南湖花园内。建筑纵向长度87.3m,横向长度9.6m,房屋总高度19.23m, 层高3m,室内外高差430mm,总建筑物面积5030m2。建筑物坐北朝南,建筑功能要求比较高, 以满足住户的使用要求。结构型式采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。在确定框架计算简图和荷载之后,先用迭代法计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的框架内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力),然后采用底部剪力法计算水平地震作用大小,进而用D值法求出地震及风荷载等水平荷载作用下的框架内力。用Excel软件进行内力组合,选取最不利组合进行框架梁柱配筋;此外还进行了基础设计、楼盖现浇板和板式楼梯的设计,最后绘制了房屋结构施工图。 关键词:住宅 框架结构 结构设计 抗震设计 内力组合 Abstract This project is a residential building with frame, it’s located in zhe South Lake Garden of daqing.It extends 87.3m in length and 9.6m in width, It’s 19.23 in tall, the floor height is 3m, and the elecation difference between the ninside and the outdside 430mm,the totalfloor area is 5030m2. It faces south and adcpts the cast-in-site reinforced concrete frame structure. The initial choice offrame diagrammatic drawing is followed by the determination of the loads to which the fame will be subjected. Method of interation is used to analyse the interal farce of frame unclear vertical load(deca load and live load).Afeer determing of seismic loading,amendatory contraflexure pcint method is used to analyse the interal farce of frame under harizantal load.And excel software is used to carry an the combination of internal force,then the beams and pillars are reinforced with rods according to the mest disadvanta combination of intevnal force.In addition,foundations,floor nslaband staircases are designed.+Finally waking daving of the building are drawed. Keywords : residence; frame structure; structural sesign; seismic design; internal force combination 目 录 1 工程概况.....................................................1 2 结构选型和结构布置...........................................1 2.1 结构承重方案选择.........................................1 2.2 主要构件选型.............................................1 2.3 梁、柱截面尺寸估算.......................................2 3 确定结构计算简图.............................................2 3.1 确定框架计算简图.........................................2 3.2 相对线刚度计算...........................................2 4 荷载


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