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毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目:中英饮茶文化之间的差异 (英文) The Differences of Tea-drinking Culture between China and Britain 姓 名: 学 号: 院 (系): 外语学部 专 业: 英语(旅游) 指导老师: 2010年5月 The Differences of Tea-drinking Culture between China and Britain Student: Tutor: College of Arts and science of Jianghan University May, 2010 Abstract China is the native place of tea, and it is the first country in the world to plant, drink and export tea. In China, people not only formed a special way of tea drinking, but also developed an art form called tea drinking. This kind of tea culture spreads to other countries, so tea export can be regarded as carrying forward the tradition, or as spreading the culture, and It has great importance. Britain began to drink tea in the seventeenth century, comparing with other European countries, the tea culture of Britain is the most famous and typical, and it has formed its own special tea culture, for example, the worlds famous Afternoon Tea, however, what is different with China’s tea culture? The paper aims to illustrate the different of tea-drinking culture between Britain and China from the four points, the manner of tea drinking, the spirit of tea ceremony, the culture of tea house, and the impact of tea drinking. At last, according to the comparison, the writer suggests two points to develop our own tea culture, establishing the national day of tea drinking and creating our own international tea brand. Key words: Tea-drinking culture Difference China Britain Suggestion 摘要 中国是茶的本产地, 它是世界上第一个种茶,饮茶和出口茶叶的国家。 在中国,人们不仅形成了特殊的饮茶方式,而且也发展到了一种艺术形式-饮茶,这种茶文化很快传到了其它国家,因此,茶叶出口能够被视为传统地携带,或者文化的传播,它产生了很大的影响。英国开始饮茶是在十七世纪,与其它欧洲国家相比,它的茶文化在欧洲国家中是最著名和最典型的,而且它已形成了自己独特的饮茶文化。例如,世界上著名的下午茶。但是,它与中国的茶文化有什么不同呢? 本文主要是从四点来探讨中英饮茶文化的区别:饮茶方式的不同,茶道精神的不同,茶室文化的不同以及影响的不同。最后,通过比较,提出了两点建议,即中国应该倡导“


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