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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles A Thesis Submitted To Foreign Language Department Of College of Information Business, Zhongyuan University of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Student ID Number: 201003014116 Supervisor:×× May 29th , 2013 论 文 摘 要 片名是电影的一个不可缺少的组成部分。好的片名能起到画龙点睛,吸引观众,耐人寻味的作用。有人曾将片名比作影片的门楣,既要反映影片的中心思想,又要简短、新奇,吸引观众。 过去的二三十年中,影视翻译取得了很大的发展,但作为翻译领域一个重要组成部分,电影片名的研究工作还做得远远不够。迄今为止似乎还没有人提出过一套比较完整的翻译原则。在此情况下,本文通过深入分析近年来众多欧美电影片名的翻译,对其中的翻译进行仔细推敲,总结和提出新的原则,使电影片名翻译更具规范化,使读者对电影片名的翻译有更深刻的理解。 电影片名一般都比较简短。虽说如此简短的翻译虽属雕虫小技,但是要译好却实属不易。因为文情并茂的译名不仅能吸引观众的眼球,而且可以说是一件艺术精品,耐人寻味,所以翻译电影片名时,应深入理解影片的内容蕴涵和风格,了解翻译原则,掌握翻译技巧,揣摩措词用语。然而电影片名领域翻译理论研究中,学术气氛异常冷清、论调过于整齐划一,众多学术文章只从具体翻译方法入手,如直译、意译和音译,而忽略片名翻译的文化性及多层面性,且缺少相关翻译过程及翻译评价的探讨。为此,本论文以电影片名的翻译为研究目的,在翻译理论基础上,进一步提出了新的技巧,使得电影片名的翻译既具有规范化又具有多元化。 关键词:电影片名翻译;原则;技巧 Abstract Movie title is an integral part of the movie. An excellent title can play the role of adding the finishing touch, attracting audience and giving audience much food for thought. However, being a special and significant part of translation, movie translation is an area that is far from being explored. Few monographs at home and abroad have discussed this topic. It seems that no one has so far offered a systematic and feasible principle to pilot movie title translation. In this situation, this paper goes deep into many west movie title translations in recent years and refines some of the translations, summarizing and posing new principles, so that the movie title translation would not only be more standardized but also make a deep impression for the audience. Usually, movie titles are brief and short. Translating such brief movie title is just regarded as a piece of cake, but it is hard to translate well. Translation of being elegant in style and rich in sentiment could not only attract the audience but also be meaningful and thought-provoking as


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