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文艺演出主持稿 主持人:尤德铭Compere: You Deming, Ma Xiaolan 男:女士们、朋友们: 大家晚上好! 女:在这个美好的夜晚,我们怀着激动的心情迎来了来自远方的朋友!M: Ladies, friends: M、F: Good evening! F:’s welcome the friends coming from afar in an excited mood on the beautiful night! 男:首先请允许我们为大家介绍出席我们们今天晚宴的领导与嘉宾,他们是:南桥镇特奥社区接待委员会名誉主席马天龙先生、南桥镇特奥社区接待委员会领导小组副组长陆纪平先生、严建华先生、王萍女士、黄红英女士。 M: Firstly, please let me introduce the leaders and the distinguished guests who attend the evening today. They are: the honorary president of Nanqiao Special Olympics community reception committee, Mr. Ma Tianlong, the vise-team leader of Nanqiao Special Olympics community reception committee’s lead group, Mr. Lu Jiping, Mr. Yan Jianhua, Ms. Wang Ping and Ms. Huang Hongying. 女:下面,有请南桥镇特奥社区接待委员会名誉主席马天龙先生致辞。 男:非常感谢!让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎印度特奥代表团团长 致答谢辞。 女:谢谢!非常感谢 先生。 F: Then, please Mr. Ma Tianlong, the honorary president of Nanqiao Special Olympics community reception committee, make an address. M: Very grateful! Let’s welcome the chairman of Indian Special Olympics delegation to give a return speech with warm applause. 男:一曲美妙的中国民乐就代表了我们此时的心情。请欣赏民乐合奏《》,为我们带来喜悦和欢乐的的是我们南桥的西渡夕阳红乐队西渡夕阳红乐队民乐合奏: A dulcet Chinese folk music represents our mood at this time. Please enjoy the folk music tutti “Jubilance”. The actors who will give us happiness and gladness are Nanqiao Xidu Red Sunset band. 1. Xidu Red Sunset band’s folk music tutti 女:最原始也最震撼心灵的音乐男:今天,好客的奉贤人民也想把美好的祝愿通过传递给你,亲爱的朋友。 少儿歌舞:《》M: Indian song and dance is a wonder in the world Art Garden. It is a unique custom in this kingdom with well-skilled song and dance. They have the most primitive and the most heart-shaking music, and the splendid ethical dance. F: Dear friends, the hospitable people in Fengxia will impress their best wishes through the music “Indian folk song and dance” today. 2. Children’s song and dance: “Indian folk song and dance” 男:中国功夫是中国人民长期积累起来的一宗宝贵文化遗产,今天阳光外国语学校的小朋友们要给大家表演中国功夫,请欣赏!《中国功夫》 M: Chinese kungfu is a valuable cultural heritage accumulate“Chinese kungfu” 女:让我们再一次为小朋友们精彩的表演鼓掌!不知道我们的朋友有


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