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一种基于单片机控制的桂林米粉智能售卖系统研究 Published Online July 2015 in Hans. //.hanspub.org/journal/dsc //dx.doi.org/10.12677/dsc.2015.43008 61 Research of an Intelligent Sale System of Guilin Rice Noodles Based on SCM Zeqi Li, Zimin Wang, Guangchao Li, Qingsi Pan School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin Guangxi Received: Jul. 1st, 2015; accepted: Jul. 24th, 2015; published: Jul. 27th, 2015 Copyright ?? 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract In order to liberate the human labor from repetitive work and alleviate the tedious labor, an intel- ligent SCM-based Guilin rice noodles sale system was presented in this paper, which is composed by hardware and software. According to the demand of real production, the presented system can give different actions of controlled system. The movements of the manipulator such as moving left, right, up, down and other movements were realized by controlling the rotation of the motor. Fur- thermore, the moving sequences of the manipulator can also be made intelligently by the given system. The C programming language was adopted in this paper in order to control the rotation of the motor. For making the system more humanely, some advanced theories such as artificial intel- ligence, sensors and fuzzy control theory were also used in this paper. Keywords STM32, Manipulator, Control System 一种基于单片机控制的桂林米粉智能售卖系统 研究 李泽期,王子民,利广超,潘庆思 桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院,广西 桂林 一种基于单片机控制的桂林米粉智能售卖系统研究 62 收稿日期:2015年7月1日;录用日期:2015年7月24日;发布日期:2015年7月27日 摘 要 为把人从一些单调、重复性的劳动中解放出来,减少人类的重复繁琐的体力劳动。提出一种基于单片机 控制的桂林米粉智能售卖系统,主要由软件和硬件主成。根据生产工艺的任务要求来确定被控制的系统 需要完成的各项动作,通过控制电机的正反转实现机械手的左转、右转、上升、下降等动作,以及这些 动作之间的联系和完成顺序。本设计拟采用C程序设计语言进行编程,控制电机运转,结合人工智能、 传感器、模糊控制的思想,使机械手臂的动作控制更人性化。 关键词 STM32,机械手臂,控制系统 1. 引言 工业机器人的技术水平和应


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