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English curriculum standards advocates task-based ways of teaching。Students can do something for the objectives and requirements, Teachers should avoid simply passing on knowledge of language teaching methods to the objectives and requirements。Try to adopt a task-based ways of teaching。Go For It! Requiring teachers to be proactive in teaching the concept of change,Adjust teaching methods and behavior。People-oriented Focus on student learning as a conscious act of learning concept,let the ss study active.
First let me talk about “Several features of the New Curriculum Standard.”New Curriculum Standard stand out communicative ;It is fit ss’ teaching .
1. the teaching materials depend on ss’development . Emphasis on cultivating the students the spirit of innovation and independent thinking ability. Make ss access to Basic knowledge of English and basic skills in order to suit the socity needs.know a lot of Cultural differences, to develop the healthy personality. Cultivate the spirit of cooperation and sense of social morality.
2. Open books, you will be able to see on each page is full of a vice in life and a vivid picture of humor, so that you eyes. It is not only a new layout, but also in content and structure of the sense of the times even more creative, more modern, closer to the lives of students. After students get the textbooks are not put it down, can not wait to read
3. practical:text book list a lot of topics: neighbors, animals, football, jobs, weekend activities, music, personality and appearance, weather, holidays, vacation and leisure, popular culture, rules and regulations of everyday life. As a result of these students are familiar with the topic of living things are often encountered, so students find it easier to accept and learn naturally high enthusiasm. Teaching activities by the to me to I want to learn
4. Focus on communication; Chinese students have the deaf-mute diseasein learning English .so the text book design a lot of reading
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