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十字轴锻造成形工艺研究及模具设计摘要近几年,随着经济和汽车行业的快速发展,十字轴作为传动系统的重要组成部分,应用越来越广泛,地位也越来越重要。本文主要以十字轴为研究对象,十字轴是汽车底盘中的一个十分重要的传力零件,产品质量要求高,形状复杂。以目前国内普遍应用的热锻工艺为研究前提,运用UG、DEFORM-3D软件系统的研究十字轴的成形过程和模具设计。首先采用UG或Pro/E三维造型软件对十字轴进行三维实体化造型。利用DEFORM-3D有限元模拟软件对十字轴的成形过程进行模拟。分析应力状态和载荷-行程曲线。基于模拟结果,分析十字轴预锻成形过程中所出现的问题,提出模具设计的改进建议。从数学模型上给出了指导,得出了优化的工艺参数,设计出合理的模具型腔。利用UG的实体造型功能建立十字轴的三维模型。关键词:十字轴;数值模拟;预锻变形;有限元;成形工艺Study on Forming Process and Die Design for Crossing ShaftABSTRACTIn recent years, with the development of economy and automotive industry, as the main basis of mechanical parts, the cross shaft of an ever-increasing status is also becoming increasingly important. This article mainly takes cross shaft as the research object. The cross shaft is automobile chassis of a very important force transmission parts, products of high quality requirements, complex shape.UG, DEFORM-3D as a platform, and has done some research on mould design and FEM simulation, on the base of forge hot process which is widely used in local plant. First, using UG or Pro/E three-dimensional modeling software for 3D modeling of the cross shaft.The finite element simulation software DEFORM-3D is used to simulate the forming process of the cross shaft. And analysis the stress distribution and the metal load-trip curve. According to the result of the simulation, the problem in the Pre-forging has been analysed with some instructive suggestions for die designing put forward. Guidance is given from the mathematical model, then the optimized parameters, design of mould cavity and reasonable. A three-dimensional model of cross shaft using a solid modeling function of UG.Key Words: cross shaft;numerical simulation;Pre-forging process;finite element method;forming process 目录摘要IABSTRACTII引言- 1 -第1章绪论- 2 -1.1研究现状和发展趋势- 2 -1.2研究意义(价值)及主要内容- 3 -第2章设计研究方案- 4 -2.1对课题的认识- 4 -2.2课题的研究方法- 5 -2.3热模锻成形工艺- 6 -2.3.1模锻的特点- 6 -2.3.2模锻的分类- 6 -2.3.3开式模锻工艺- 6 -2.4影响金属成形的因素- 7 -2.5UG简介- 8 -2.5.1UG产品概述- 8 -2.5.2UG主要技术特点- 9 -2.5.3本课题有关UG的运用- 9 -2.6DEFORM-3D简


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