
儿童耳及听力保健技术规范 Title33.ppt

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儿童耳及听力保健技术规范 Title33

Pre-chin Daoism先秦道家: Laozi老子 Outline I. The Life of Laozi II. D.C. Lau’s Argument on the Laozi III. The Period when Laozi was Born IV. How to Read the Dao De Ching V. The Teachings of Laozi VI. Dao in Laozi’s Teaching VII. Laozi’s Dao De Ching VIII. Ideas in the Dao De Ching I. The Life of Laozi (551-479 B.C.) An older contemporary of Confucius. The author of the Book of Laozi, the classic in the thought of Daoism道家. Not much is known about Laozi, only that he lived to a great age. II. D.C. Lau’s劉殿爵 argument on the Laozi According to D.C. Lau, Laozi was not a historical figure at all. At a very early stage, Confucius was known as a sage and there are stories about his encounters with hermits who made fun of him. The Laozi’s story was one of them. Such stories cannot be taken as seriously historical evidence. II. D.C Lau’s argument on the Laozi It cannot be accidental that “Laozi”老子 also means “an old man.” In 4 3 B.C., there was at least two works with titles which mean “elder” and “older man of mature wisdom.” II. D.C Lau’s argument on the Laozi No reason that these works were written by individuals. They are best looked upon as anthologies which were complied from short passages by an editor or a series of editors. III. The Period when Laozi was Born It was a golden age of Chinese thought: Hundred Schools Period諸子百家時代. Scholars and philosophers who could lay claim to any originality in ideas won prestige and fame. III. The Period when Laozi was Born For instance, there was a school proposed by Yang Chu楊朱: which advocated a thoroughgoing egoism. It has been suggested that the Laozi represents a development of the school of Yang Chu. Yang Chu said, “Even simply pulling out a hair of mine and the whole empire will be benefited. I will not do it.拔一毛以利天下不為” There are passages in the Laozi which are best understood in the spirit of egoism. IV. How to read the Dao De Ching道德經 Laozi’s Book: Dao De Ching Even individual chapters: very short, unrelated passages It is


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