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Salary Negotiations - Yale School of Forestry :工资谈判-耶鲁大学林业
DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYDon’t Name the Salary First I need to know what salary you want in order to make you an offer. Can you tell me a range? Id appreciate it if you could make me an offer based on whatever you have budgeted for this position and we can go from there. -- Penelope Trunk, Brazen Careerist, The Answer to the Toughest Interview Question DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYDon’t Name the Salary First What are you expecting to make in terms of salary? “Have you established a range for the position? DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYWhat are your salary requirements? “My requirements are negotiable, depending on the responsibilities of the position.” “Salary is negotiable.” “My salary requirements are negotiable and flexible.” (but do this only if you are, indeed, flexible) DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYWhat is your salary history? “As I’m just completing my masters degree, I have a new set of qualifications, experience and level of expertise, so don’t have comparable salary history data.”—then move on to your benchmarking figures… State your salary history (if applicable) or desired salary in a broad enough range so as not to knock yourself out of the running or set the offer lower than what the organization expected to pay. What Salary Should you Expect? DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYFactors to Consider in Determining Your Living Wage Housing Clothing Food Automobile/Transportation Insurance Medical/Health Support for other family members/pets Bills Debts Taxes Savings/Retirement Discretionary Cost of Living in New Location DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGYDetermine Your Living Wage BOTTOM: Living on ramen and popcorn with 20 mile bicycle commute from tent TOP: 2 weeks in Europe every year, new hybrid, shopping at Whole Foods, puppy Living Wage = Somewhere in between. Compare Living Wage with Benchmarks DEVELOP A NEGOTIATING STRATEGY Walk-Away Point The point at which you move on to the next opportunity. Is your living wage your walk-away
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