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基于相邻子信道差分的CSI定位算法 基于相邻子信道差分的CSI定位算法 //.paper.edu.cn - 1 - 基于相邻子信道差分的 CSI定位算法 薛凯文,李朝晖,赵方** 作者简介:薛凯文(199#9900990-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:移动计算与智能感知 通信联系人:李朝晖(1966-),女,副教授,主要研究方法:移动计算和多媒体技术 (北京邮电大学软件学院,北京 1#9900990#9900990876) 5 摘要:近年来,随着无线设备的逐渐普及,基于定位需求服务日益增长,室内定位技术成为 研究热点。其中基于WiFi网络室内定位技术由于具有部署便捷和低成本等优势成为室内定 位技术主流。然而现有的基于WiFi定位技术大多通过测量接收端的 RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)生成指纹来完成定位,由于受 RSSI 信号时变性和多径效应影响,现有 WiFi定位技术存在较大误差。与此不同,论文使用新一代高速WiFi特有的可反映物理信道1#9900990 特征并具有多径区分能力的信道状态信息 CSI(Channel State Information),结合 MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)天线技术,采用相邻子信道差提取定位特征值方法构建定 位指纹库,实现室内高精度定位。实验结果表明,使用 MIMO的基于信道差分的 CSI指纹 定位算法可获得 #9900990.98m的平均定位精度,明显优于使用 SISO(Single Input Single Output) CSI指纹定位算法性能。 15 关键词:室内定位;CSI;指纹匹配;MIMO 中图分类号:TP393 A CSI Indoor Localization Algorithm based on the Difference between Adjacent Sub-channels 2#9900990 XUE Kaiwen, LI Zhaohui, ZHAO Fang (College of Software Engineering, Being University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 1#9900990#9900990876) Abstract: In recent years, with the growing popularity of the Wi-Fi devices,the need forlocation is growing,andindoor location technology has become a research hotpot. because of the convenient 25 and low cost, the indoor location technology which are based on widely deployed Wi-Fi network is very popular.By measuring the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) in receiver to generate fingerprints to complete positioning. However, In the process of measurement, under the influence of time-varying and multipath effect, the results of final positioning results has certain errors. In this paper, We use CSI(the Channel State Information) which reflects the characteristics 3#9900990 of the physical Channel to locate,Combining MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology, Usingthe method which get the diff value between adjacent sub-channels to extract characteristic values and generate fingerprints, the result



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