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图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业设计(论文) 红外遥控六足爬行机器人控制系统设计 DESIGN OF THE INFRARED REMOTE HEAPOD CRAWING ROBOT CONTROL SYSTEM 学生姓名 学院名称 专业名称 指导教师 20**年 5月 27日 摘要 机器人是机构学、运动学、控制理论等学科发展水平的综合体现,是当前国内外研究的热点问题之一。 从仿生学的角度,昆虫的生理构造及行为是比较容易模仿的,我们的机器人正是在模仿六足行走的动物,该机器人是一个仿生六足行走的机器人,通过对伺服马达的精确控制,模拟六足动物的行走步态,实现行走、急跑、转弯等各种步态行为,并能在各种地面环境下进行步态的智能调整,自适应光滑地面、粗糙地面、沙石地面、湿泥地面等恶劣的路面环境。 分析六足机器人步进,, 关键词 六足机器人;结构设计;三角步态;AT89S51单片机;红外遥控 谢谢朋友对我文章的赏识,充值后就可以下载此设计说明书(不包含CAD图纸)。我这里还有一个压缩包,里面有相应的word说明书(附带:外文翻译)和CAD图纸。需要压缩包的朋友联系QQ客服1:1459919609或QQ客服2:1969043202。需要其他设计题目直接联系!!! Abstract Robot is the comprehensive reflection of robot, kinematics, control theory and other disciplines’ level of development. It’s one of the hot issues of current domestic and international research. From?the perspective of bionics, physiological structure?and behavior?of insects?is relatively easy to imitate. Our robot is in imitation of six-legged walking animals, robot is a bionic hexapod walking robot. Simulation walking gait of hexapod through the precise control of servo motor system, achieve walking, sprint, turn, and other gait behavior, and the environment in a variety of ground intelligent adjustment of the gait. Adapt to smooth surface, rough ground, sand floors, wet soil surface and other harsh environments. Analyze the gait of bionic hexapod crawling robot. Use CAD to design the size of structural parts and the overall structure according to physical size of the robot. Use AT89S51 SCM, Infrared transmitter module, Infrared receiver module and the corresponding auxiliary circuit ,the robot can walk based on bionic principle,and has some advantages such as simple,active movements, harmony in walking and etc. Keywords Hexapod robot Structure design Tripod gait AT89S51 microprocessor Infrared Remote Control 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 机器人概述 1 1.2 仿生机器人的概念及发展趋势 1 1.3 本课题研究的目的和意义 2 2 红外遥控六足机器人系统设计 3 2.1 系统总体方案 3 2.2 系统方案论证 3 2.2.1机器人行走方案论证 3 2.2.2机体方案论证 4 2.2.3 控制器方案论证 4 2.2.


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