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The Capabilities Approach of Disability - UNICEF能力方法的残疾-联合国儿童基金会
Disability Models and the Capability Approach Sophie Mitra Fordham University mitra@fordham.edu Conference on Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities Moscow, 27 September 2011 Models used to Define Disability - The Medical Model - The Social Model - The Nagi Model The ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) The Medical (or Bio-Medical) Model The medical model considers disability as a problem of the individual that is directly caused by a disease, an injury or other health conditions. The medical model locates the problem with the person. A person is in the ‘sick role’ (Parsons, 1975). This model is strongly normative. The major concern at the political level is to provide health care and rehabilitation services. The Social Model Disability is not a problem of the individual, it is a problem created by the social environment and requires social change. This model has many different versions. We review briefly below two versions. The UK social model: At the heart of this model lies societal oppression (Oliver, 1990). The Social Model (Cont.) The oppressed minority model. Persons with disabilities face discrimination and segregation through barriers in the environment. Their experiences are therefore perceived as similar to those of an oppressed minority group. Social inequalities encountered by persons with disabilities are considered as similar to those encountered by other minorities (Hahn, 2002, p. 171). The Nagi Model The Nagi model is widely used in the economics of disability field. It identifies functional limitations as the restrictions that impairments impose on the individual’s ability to perform the tasks of his or her roles and normal daily activities. Disability is a social construct. For instance, a 12-year old girl with mental retardation does not attend school, she stays home with her parents helping with household chores. The ICF model The Capability Approach: What it is ‘Capability’ as
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