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毕业设计说明书 作 者: 学 号: 系: 电气工程系 专业: 生物医学工程 题 目: 磁共振灌注成像中的脑血容积的仿真研究 指导者: 教授 评阅者: 实验师 2012年 6月 8日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 磁共振灌注成像中的脑血容积的仿真研究 摘要: 磁共振灌注成像是反映组织的微血管分布及血流灌注情况的功能成像技术。通过向体内注入示踪剂,观察浓度变化,根据受之影响的信号强度变化获得反映大脑局部血流动力学参数,达到疾病预防和诊断的目的。其中,脑血容积是血流动力学研究的重要参数之一。 本论文首先对磁共振灌注成像的发展历程、基本理论和研究意义进行了分析。然后利用傅立叶变换、最小均方差法、奇异值分解法进行仿真得到脑血容积。运用最小均方差法设计的滤波器对脑血容积的仿真起到了关键性的作用;奇异值分解法中设定合适的阈值能有效地消去信号中噪声的影响。同时将两种方法的实验结果分别进行分析,并对可能的影响因素进行了总结。 关键词: 磁共振灌注成像 脑血容积估计 傅立叶变换 奇异值分解 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title Simulation research on brain cerebral volume in MR perfusion imaging Abstract Magnetic resonance (MR)perfusion imaging is a functional imaging technology which shows the micro vascular scatters and blood perfusion situation .It can record the concentration change by observing the injected tracer, then obtain dynamic parameters reflecting cerebrum local blood flow according to the change of signal intension to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and diagnosis .Among them, the cerebral blood volume (CBV) is one of the most important blood flow dynamics parameters. In this thesis, the development course, basic theory and research significance of MRI are analyzed firstly. The Fourier Transform (FT), minimum mean-squared error (MMSE), singular value decomposition (SVD)technique are applied to simulate on the CBV. The filter by applying MMSE theory plays a key role in this research. The influence of the noise in signal can be eliminated effectively by setting the right threshold in SVD technique. At the same time, the experimental results of two methods are analyzed respectively, and the possible influencing factors summarized. Keywords: MR perfusion imaging cerebral blood volume estimation Fourier transform singular value decomposition 目 次 1 引言…………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 磁共振灌注成像的历史回顾与发展现状…………………………………



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