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多功能营销虚拟电话系统构建和应用   摘要:目前,电力政策宣贯、催缴电费、督促用户签订用电协议都需要通过人工拔打电话的方式进行,数据信息量大,造成通知不到位,工作效率低,通过多功能营销虚拟电话研究,可较好的解决上述问题。   多功能营销虚拟电话研究与应用项目是业务优化、创新,是实践“以人为本”科学发展观的重要举措,是践行南网方略,打造“服务型供电企业”的实施工程。为实现“以客户为中心”的管理思路,提升客户满意度,建立科学的客户服务管理制度,实现方便、快捷、规范、满意的工作流程,同时又是企业发展的需要,减少职业病的发生,减少供电企业在电力通知工作领域人力资源投入重要手段。   关键词:传统电话;人工拔打;自助服务;电力客户;电力营销;用户信息   中图分类号: TN916文献标识码:A文章编号:      Building and application of multifunctional virtual telephone marketing system   LiJieming   (DongGuan branch bureau of power department , DongGuan in GuangDongprovince 523000)      Abstract: At present, propaganda of electricity policy, call for electricity charge and urging the user to sign the agreement on electricity all need to be done by manual dialing, which lead to a lot of defects such as: large amount of information data,notification does not reach the designated position and low working efficiency. Through research on multifunctional virtual telephone marketing , we can solve the problems well.   The research and application of multifunctional virtual telephone marketing is business optimization and innovation. It’s also the important measure of practicing people-oriented scientific concept of development and the project of practicing southern power grid strategy by building service-oriented power supply enterprise. With the research and application, we can achieve customer center management idea and improve customer satisfaction, establish scientific customer service management system and realize the convenient, quick, standard and satisfactory work process. What is more, while satisfying the needs of the development of enterprise, it’s also the important means to reduce the occurrence of occupational diseases and the power supply enterprise human resources in the field of electricity notice.   Key words: Traditional telephone; Manual dialing; self-service; Electricity customers; Electric power marketing; User information.         长期以来,电费回收难一直是供电企业最为头疼的问题。供电局为此也投入了大量的人力物力,把电费结零当作企业追求最高目标。



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