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湖南工学院 毕业设计(论文) 课题名称 CK-Ⅱ型车床主轴箱加工6~Ф17孔两面卧式组合钻床专业名称 所在班级 学生姓名 学生学号 指导老师 20**年 5 月 摘 要 在组合机床的设计中,主轴箱加工工艺是关键。“三图一卡”包括加工零件工序图,加工示意图, 机床总图,生产效率计算卡。其中加工零件工序图是表示一台组合机床对被加工零件应完成的工艺内容的示意图。它包括加工部位尺寸精度,表面粗糙度及技术要求等内容。加工示意图表明被加工零件在机床的加工过程,刀具,辅具的位置状况,工件与夹具,刀具等机床各零部件间的位置关系,以及机床的工作行程和工作循环等。机床总图表示机床各组成部件相互配合关系及各零件、部件、标准件、通用件等名称、代号、数量及运动关系。以及检验各部件的相对位置及尺寸之间联系是否满足加工要求,通用部件是否合适等内容。 关键词:组合机床 主轴箱 “三图一卡” 谢谢朋友对我文章的赏识,充值后就可以下载说明书,我这里还有一个压缩包,里面有相应的word说明书和CAD图纸。下载后请联系QQ:1459919609。我可以将压缩包免费送给你。需要其他设计题目直接联系!!!(注:注册账号时最好用你的QQ号,以方便我将压缩包发给你) Abstract In transfer and unit machine design, the headstockprocessing craft is a key. A three charts card including processingcomponents working procedure chart, processing schematic drawing,engine bed assembly drawing, production efficiency computation card. Processing components working procedure chart is expressed a aggregatemachine-tool to is processed the craft content schematic drawing whichthe components should complete. It including processing spot sizeprecision, content and so on surface roughness and specification. The processing schematic drawing indicated is processed the componentsin the engine bed processing process, the cutting tool, auxiliaryposition condition, work piece and jig, position relations engine bedvarious spare parts and so on between cutting tool, as well as enginebed power stroke and operating cycle and so on. The engine bed assembly drawing expressed the engine bed eachcomposition part mutually coordinates the relations and variouscomponents, the part, the standard letter, General Work piece and so on thename, the code number, the quantity and the movement relations.Examines various parts between the relative position and the sizerelates whether satisfies the processing request, the general part is whether appropriate and so on the content. Key words: transfer and unit machine Headstock a three charts card 目录 设计任务书…………………………………………..6 概述…………………………………………………..7 (一) 组合机床的设计内容……………


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