
States’ Investment in Cancer Research.pptx

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States’ Investment in Cancer Research

States’ Investments in Cancer ResearchA Survey Conducted by the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)Survey MethodsSurvey Focused on State Funding Direct appropriations to AACI centers (or parent institutions)Tobacco excise tax dollars supporting cancer research at AACI centersTobacco settlement dollars supporting cancer research at AACI centersResponses Collected June-July 200864 of 92 Cancer Centers Responded48 NCI, 16 Emerging; 51 Matrix, 13 Free StandingSurvey Built in Collaboration with CCAFState Funding for Cancer CentersState Funding for Cancer CentersCancer Centers that are…Number of ResponsesPercent of ResponsesPart of a public (state-owned) institution that receives annual state funding2945%An independent public (state-related) entity that directly receives annual state funding914%An independent private entity that directly receives annual state funding711%An entity that does not receive annual state funding1930%n=64State Funding for Cancer CentersCancer Centers at Public UniversitiesPercent of Parent Institution’s State Funding Allocated to the Cancer Centern=20State Funding for Cancer CentersCancer CentersMean=$12.8 million, Median = $2.4 millionn=30State Funding for Cancer Centers Less than $5 MillionCancer Centersn=22Allocation of State Funding for Cancer CentersState Tobacco Excise Tax Dollars Allocated to AACI Cancer CentersTobacco Excise Tax DollarsSurvey Responses…Cancer Centers Reporting48Number of States Represented34States of responding Centers Taxing Tobacco Products26Cancer Centers Receiving a Portion of State’s Excise Tax on Tobacco Products8Tobacco Excise Tax DollarsState Tobacco Settlement Dollars Research Allocated to AACI Cancer CentersTobacco Settlement DollarsSurvey Responses…Cancer Centers Reporting48Number of States Represented34Cancer Centers Receiving Funds from State Tobacco Settlement13Median Funding$3 millionMean Funding$3.3 millionTobacco Settlement DollarsCancer Center Budget Categories Supported by Tobacco Settlemen


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