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《雨花石》 教学目标: 指导学生用优美柔和的声音有感情地演唱歌曲《雨花石》。 通过学唱歌曲《雨花石》,了解歌曲中倚音、切分音、十六分休止符的应用,能较到位的表现歌曲中的断连区分,并能正确演唱三十二分音符。 引导学生牢记革命传统,懂得今天的生活来之不易,要好好珍惜。[来源:Z+xx+k.Com][来源:Z。xx。k.Com][来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K][来源:学科网][来源:Z+xx+k.Com] Unit 5 Our school 教学目标: 1、技能目标: (1)能够向别人介绍自己的学校和老师。 (2)能够讲述本单元的故事。 (3)通过本课故事的学习,培养在日常生活中用英语的交际能力。 (4)能够说唱本单元的歌曲童谣。 2、知识目标: (1)语音:能够准确朗读字母u在不同单词中的发音。 (2)词汇:学习学校教室和教师的相关单词。 (3)句型:学习Are these our books?及答语等 (4)语法:区别our,your,their及相关知识。 3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标: (1)通过故事学习,培养学生要热爱学校,热爱老师。 (2)通过故事学习,要学生注意运动时的安全意识。 (3)培养学生的爱护及建设学校的意识。 (4)教育学生要关爱老师。 Lesson1 教学目标 1能听懂会说会认单词:math/English/their/our/teacher/ playgroud/office/school. 2能跟录音说故事. 3爱学校,爱老师。 重点: 理解故事 难点: classroom, playground认读 教具: 计算机,单词卡片 学具: 单词卡片 教学过程: Step1 Revision 1 Ss say a chant 2 T holds up any student’s book, Ask, “Whose math book is this?” “Whose English book is this?” Ss: It’s (WangMing’s math/English book). T holds up some pictures. “Which room is this?” Ss: It’s the living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom. Step2 Presentation 1 classroom, office, school T shows the pictures, “What’s this?” Ss try to say. (It’s a classroom/ office.) T: This is our school. Ss read the words one by one. Step3 Talk about the story 1 T: Today, we’re going to visit Ann’s school. T asks these questions about the pictures: Picture 1:Where are Ann ,Ken and Mocky? Picture 2:Where are they now? Picture 3:What do you think Mocky and Wang Ling are saying? Picture 4:What is Mocky looking at? What do you think WangLing is saying? Picture 5:Where are they? Who’s that woman? Picture 6: What does WangLing say to the English teacher? Picture 7: What is Mocky doing? What are Ann and Ken saying to him? Picture 8/9: Where are they now? Whose ball is this? Picture 10:What is Mocky doing? Picture11: Whose window is broken? How does Mocky feel? Ss answer the questions individually. 2 T plays the tape. Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture. 3 T plays the tape again. Ss listen and repeat. 4 Ss read the story in groups. (P1-P6, P7-P11)


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