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便携式卫星通信地球站电磁辐射环境影响分析研究 A A b b s s t t r r a a c c t t A A b b s s t t r r a a c c t t In recent years,there are so many natural disasters in the world.Portable satellite communication earth station system, which requires a low quality working environment and performs high reliability,short response time, flexibility network, can responds rapidly and sets up a satellite link within few minutes to achieve date transmission and real-time video broadcast. so it is more and more widely used. At the same time, the possible environment problem of the electromagnetic radiation during the satellite communication earth stations working time causes more and more peoples attention. The research of our topic is based on the portable satellite communication earth station system and cooperates with Beijing AKD information telecommunication Co.,Ltd.We get the antenna gain through a beacon tower method and analyse the electromagnetic radiation problem using the RF theory, then get the safety reports compared a large number of theoretical and measured data with the national safety limits.For the first time, we have a fully test and verification about the AKD antennas electromagnetic radiation limits ,which may bring practical significance for antenna making and technology improving in the future,and which may bring reality significance for the health of the surrounding people. K K e e yw yw or or d d s s K K e e yw yw or or d d s s: Satellite Communication, Earth Station, Electromagnetic Radiation, Gain, Environmental Impact II南京邮电大学学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得 的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包 含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得南京邮电大学或其它 教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的 任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 研究生签名:_____________ 日期:____________ 南京邮电大学学位论文使用授权声明 南京邮电大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、国家图书馆有权保留本人所送 交学位论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论 文。本文电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。除在必威体育官网网址期内的必威体育官网网址论文 外,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分内容。 论文的公布(包括刊登)授权南京邮电大学研究生院(筹)办理。 研究生签名:____________ 导师签名:____________ 日期:_____________南京邮电大学全日制工


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