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A LOOK AT CANADA Answer Key 加拿大入籍考試題參考 (二零零三年度資料) 1. Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada? They were first people living in Canada. The First Nations, Inuits, and Métis. 誰是加拿大的土著? 他們是首先住在加拿大的民族。第一民族、茵盧爾人、及美提士人。 2. What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples? The First Nations, Inuits, and Métis. 三個主要的土著是什麽? 第一民族、茵盧爾人、和美提士人。 3. In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live? They live in every region. 土著人首先住在加拿大的哪一個地區? 他們住在每一個地區。 4. What did the Aboriginal peoples living in your region depend on for survival? They depended on fishing and hunting. 住在你們地區的土著人以何爲生? 他們靠捕魚和打獵爲生。 5. From whom are the Métis descended? The First Nations, French or English. 誰是美提士人的祖先? 第一民族、法國人和英國人。 6. In what industry did the Métis first work with European settlers? The fur trade. 美提士人和歐洲殖民最先從事什麽行業? 皮貨貿易。 7. Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut? The Inuit people. 哪個土著部落佔了西北人口的半數以上? 因魯爾人。 8. Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government? To regain control over decisions that effect their lives. 加拿大的土著爲何要自治? 要重新得到影響他們生活的控制權。 9. Where did the first European settlers in Canada come from? From France. 首批歐洲殖民來自何處? 法國。 10. Why did the early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada? They fished and traded with Aboriginal people. 早期探險者們爲何最先到達加拿大的大西洋區? 因他們要與土著共同捕魚並發展貿易。 11. Who are the Acadian people? The French settlers who came in the 1960s. 誰是亞基典人? 於1600年代遷入的法國殖民。 12. What three industries helped the early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region? Farming, fishing and shipbuilding were the industries. 那三种工業有助於早期移民在大西洋區域建設社區? 農業、漁業、和造船業。 13. Who were the United Empire Loyalists? The English settlers who moved from the United States in the late 1700s because they were loyal to England. 誰是保皇黨人? 他們是1700年代從美國遷入的忠於英國的英國殖民。 14. When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada? In the late 1700s. 保皇黨人何時達到加拿大? 1700年代末期。 15. When did settlers



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