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矿井贯通加测陀螺边最佳位置探讨与应用   【摘要】煤矿开采必然涉及贯通工程,而贯通工程作为工程测量学中的重要内容,由于有较高的精度要求,所以选择最常用的且能提高导线精度的办法就是加测陀螺边,陀螺边加测在什么位置从而取得最优的结果才是本文需要重点阐述的。本文前半部分论述理想情况下导线,即把井下导线视为等边直伸型导线,论文后半部分结合兴阜煤矿风井贯通误差预计的实例进行说明,利用数学遍历方法及陀螺经纬仪定向的方法探讨加测陀螺边最佳位置,从而得出在没有加测陀螺边和已加测陀螺边的两种情况下导线终点的误差预计,前者的精度要小于后者。通过对A、B设计方案进行对比分析,总结出贯通相遇点及加测陀螺边最佳位置的计算公式,可借鉴到矿山生产实践当中。   关键词:工程测量学;贯通测量;误差预计;陀螺边   中图分类号:TD175.5文献标识码:A   Abstract: The coal mining will inevitably involve through projects,through engineering high precision and the most common approach to improve the accuracy is to add survey the top side.The precision of the edge of gyro directly decide the accuracy of the wire.At present,the gyro theodolite can not only be used to direct azimuth,but also to address the accumulation of accidental errors of the underground conductor wire,to improve the strength and accuracy of the downhole control. In particular, additional surveying a gyro side, the differences affect the postion accuracy, and thus there is the subject of the best position to select additional surveying gyro edge. In addition, the location of the encounter point also have a certain influence on the accuracy,so to find the location of the best encounter is also a great improvement of the accuracy.The first part of article discusses the ideal situation that the underground conductor regard as a straight wire.In the last of one , this article takes examples that prediction of the breakthrough error in Xing Fu coal mine ventilating shaft., discussing the best position of an additional gyro-side with the use of mathematical searching method andorientation of gyro-theodolite,comparing with the design of A and B to come to a conclusion.   Key words: breakthrough survey; error prediction; gyro-side; gyro orientation         0引言   贯通测量对采矿生产起着尤为重???的作用,必须采取有效措施保证其测量精度。导线中加测陀螺定向边可以减少终点的横向误差。陀螺定向边加在什么位置,从而取得最优的成果,是本文要阐述的问题。   1 阜矿集团兴阜煤矿贯通误差预计   1.1 两井贯通概况   本文介绍兴阜煤矿南风井到提升斜井井下贯通工程的概况,由于井内地质构造复杂,以混合抽出式通风作为通风方式,并采取两井同时以全断面相向掘进的施工方法。      贯通导线示意图如图1:     


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