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提示:本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,00分钟。(清把在案写在答题纸上),祝同学们考试顺利! 第一卷选择题(共95分) 第—部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分l5分) 从A、B、CD四个选项选出 例:Stand over there youll be able to see il better. A. or B.and C.but D. while 答案是B. 1.— Excuse me, Miss, but may I share your tabie? 一 Of course. . A. Not at all B. Be my guest. C. As you wish D. Idon’t mind 2. If you want to see a doctor, you fix a date with him ahead of time. That is Common in the USA. A.view B.exercise C. practice D. reality 3. Every classroom in this modem school is with a new. TV set on the wall and a computer on the teachers desk. A. equipped B. decorated C. fixed D. placed 4. The debate here will be limited in mo main respects the time available. A.in vivew of B.in return for C. in addition to D.in comparison with 5. to her own work, she spent little time with her family . A.Devoting B.Tbbe devoted C.Devoted D. having devoted 6.-Are we about to having dinner? - Yes,it in the dinning room. A. serve B.Is serving C. being served D. has been serving 7.Was it because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hours You were late again? A.when B.why C. which D. that 8. John, money was now to problem, started a new company with his friends. A. serves B. of whose C.of whom D. for whom 9.-Are you ready to leave? - Almost, I’11 be ready to go just as soon as I putting the clean dishes away. A. get through B. gjve up C. carry out D. set about 10. 一 Have you heard from Janet recently? 一 Not, but I her over Christmas. A.saw B. win be seeing C.have seen D. have been seeing 11. Who did the teacher have an article for the wall-newpape Just now? A. written B.writing C. to write D. write 12. — Dont look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages. —Oh, yes others are weak, he is strong. A, Before B. When C. Where D.Though 13.— This free gift doe


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