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分析篇 分析型议论文主要是判断和分析所讨论的事物或观点的性质。具体地说就是阐述其重要性,正确性,必要性或荒谬性,危害性等。例如: The benefits of making friends of different kinds; The importance of making cities greener; The harmful effects of heavy exposure to TV. 此类论文基本结构如下: Paragraph 1 S(1) Topic S(2) Thesis(my attitude towards it) Paragraph 2 S(3) Thesis ( more specific) S(4) Benefit (or effect) S(5) Detail S(6) Benefit (or effect) S(8) Detail S(9) Benefit (or effect) Paragraph 3 Conclusion 第一段引出要讨论的主题,如离婚率上升、体育锻炼热等,然后提出对这些问题的基本态度和看法,是赞成还是反对。 第二段S(3) 把为什么赞成或反对的基本理由先扼要的提一下。接着从几个方面来阐述赞成或反对的理由,即阐述事物的重要性或危害性。S(5)S(7)S(9)则用具体的实例来论证之前提出的重要性或危害性。最后一段是总结。 有时分析不一定从同一方向进行,也可以从正反两个方向进行。例如:在一篇提倡体育锻炼的文章中,当中一段可以先说体育锻炼的重要性,然后说如不进行体育锻炼可能带来的后果。此时的第二段结构为: Paragraph 2 S(3) Thesis( more specific) S(4) Importance ( with it) S(5) Detail 1 S(6) Detail 2 S(7) Consequence ( without it) S(8) Detail 1 S(9) Detail 2 此类作文的常用句型如下: 1。One of the benefits derived from / harmful effects on ……. is…… 2。To have a better/ full understanding/ appreciation of ……, we may look at / turn to …… 3。There’s hardly a man or woman who doesn’t ….. 4。Another benefit/ effect is concerned with/ relates to….. 5。A good case in point / typical example of this is…… 6。Of all the benefits resulting from, none has been / nothing is more significant than/ as significant as….. 7。Thus, it can be seen that………. ? 分析篇-1 写作题目: My Views on Examinations Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations. You should write no less than 150 words and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below: 1.我们现在都用考试来衡量学生的成绩。 2.考试可能到来的副作用 3.我对考试的看法 ? 范文: In most schools and colleges the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous. The most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academ


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