Parkinsons Disease Second afflcated hospital of课件.ppt

Parkinsons Disease Second afflcated hospital of课件.ppt

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Parkinsons Disease Second afflcated hospital of课件

Parkinsons Disease Lu Junyan(卢君艳) Second afflicated hospital of WenZhou medical college New words genetics n.遗传学 gene n.基因 genic adj. gen(o)- 生殖,性 genome n.基因组 New words endogenous adj. 内生的,内源的 end(o)- 内 ednocrine n. a. 内分泌(的) -genous 产生,发生,被产生 exogenous a.外源性,外生的 exo-外,在外 exocrine n. a.外分泌(的);外分泌腺(的) New words substantia n. [拉] 质,物质 substance 物质 nigra n. 黑质 corpus n. 体 corpus stratia 纹状体 New words dopamine n. 多巴胺 dopa n. 多巴 dopa- neurotransmitter n. 神经递质 Symptoms include tremors, slowed movement and postural instability. Other features include rigidity, flexed posture, freezing phenomenon and loss of postural reflexes. Patients can experience depression, sleep disturbances, dizziness and problems with speech, swallowing and sexual functioning. New words tremor n. 震颤 postural a.姿势的,体位的 rigidity n.劲度,强直,僵硬,刚性,刚度,硬度,严密性,稳定性 depression n.阻抑,压抑,压低,凹,窝,衰退,抑郁(症) swallow n. v. 吞咽 Since medications and other conditions can cause Parkinsons-like neurologic symptoms, diagnosis is critical and misdiagnosis is frequent. Medical science lacks an accurate blood or imaging diagnostic test for Parkinsons, though tests can exclude other conditions. Diagnosis is based on an evaluation of symptoms best accomplished by a Parkinsons specialist. The progression of the disease varies from individual to individual, so treatment is also individualized. Treatment focuses on relieving disabilities while minimizing side effects of medications. While there is no cure, therapies can minimize symptoms and maximize function and quality of life. 因为该病的进展因人而异,所以治疗也要个体化。 治疗目标考虑在最小的药物副作用下,改善功能障碍。 目前尚无根治方法,仅仅可以最大程度的减轻症状及改善功能和生活质量。 New words levodopa n.左旋多巴 carbidopa n. 卡比多巴 Sinemet n. 心宁美(帕金宁) 卡比多巴与左旋多巴的复方制剂,混合比例为1:4或1:10. revolutionized a.革命化的,被彻底改革的 transcranial a.经颅的 帕金森病可以损害患者的生命质量和长度,所以它的确诊和症状能毁了患者和家庭,患者通常面对抑郁症。 但是,好的物理治疗,教育和支持治疗是有效的。 各种研究正稳步地提高患者的生活质量和控制症状。 Dialog between doctor and patient D:doctor P:pati


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